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"hey" the boy smiled, showing his canine teeth.
wonwoo's heart was beating extremely fast, faster than normal. he started to silently panic and mingyu noticed this.

"hey, hey, it's okay. you'll be fine. i just needed to wake you up since it was getting late." the younger stated.

"uhm, t-thank y-you." wonwoo mumbled quietly, but loud enough for mingyu to hear it.
mingyu saw a light pink rise to the others cheeks. he smiled.

"do you want me talk home with you? it's late and i don't want anything bad to happen to you." mingyu asked.

wonwoo was about to refuse but the taller boy insisted, at least he'll have maybe some company.

the walk home was silent, mingyu was usually the one to start the conversations. wonwoo just silently agreed with the things mingyu was saying, occasionally saying a few words from time to time.

they eventually reached wonwoo's front door and before wonwoo entered his house, mingyu interrupted.
"hey i know we just met and all but do you want me to talk home with you everyday? i usually stay back to study and read some books and i was wondering if you wanted some company when walking home. it's completely fine if you don't want to it's your choice after all." at this point mingyu was just rambling and being apologetic. wonwoo found it quite cute.

"i'll think about it.." wonwoo said. mingyu nodded and started to head home.

wonwoo entered his house and locked the door behind him. he felt his face and noticed it was quite hot.
why did his face feel so hot? it isn't usually hot when he's encountered someone he's never talked to. what could this mean?

he shook the thought off and went to the living room. sitting in one of the couches and turning on the tv and nintendo switch.
he put the legend of zelda: breath of the wild into the slot on the top of the small screen the joy cons were attached to.

he played games for hours until he felt like getting up and moving again.

his thoughts kept referring back to the younger he met earlier today. wonwoo never caught his name but but he has seen him regularly around school.

he stood from the couch, walking up the stairs to his room. wonwoo tossed his school bag to one of the corners and collapsed onto the bed, feeling absolutely exhausted.

he slowly drifted off to sleep, letting his mind and thoughts take over.

time skip - next morning

wonwoo's eyes fluttered open, his vision a bit fuzzy from the sunlight that was peeking through the gap in his curtains. he rubbed his eyes, stretching his arms out whilst pulling himself to a sitting position.

many yawns and procrastinating later, wonwoo removed himself from the comfy duvet sheets and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

when he reached the kitchen, he found his mother already up and cooking.
"eomma, you're up early, earlier than usual." wonwoo said, scratching his head and pulling up a chair at the dining table.

"yes, well now that our god forsaken father is gone, i'm free from his usual early nagging. i never get to cook or take care of you anymore wonwoo so i decided to make you breakfast." his mother lectured in a happy tone. he's glad his mother is happier these days, his father was never really around other than to nag and argue with the both of them and wonwoo didn't see him as one nor did he want to.

his mother placed and plate in front of him, displaying two slices of toast with and egg in the middle. wonwoo ate his food quickly and got ready for another stressful day of school.

wonwoo soon arrived at school an hour later, encountering the dawning gates of hell. he heaved a long sigh and walked in.

it's the same old routine for him. get through the day and avoid any social interaction possible, yet everyday something new and exciting just jumps out at wonwoo at any given time.

as he was gathering his books together from his locker, he heard a familiar group of voices approach him. wonwoo turned around to see bambam, yugyeom, mark and jackson standing with smirks all on their faces.

"well, look who we have here, jeon wonwoo" bambam said. wonwoo tried to avoid eye contact with any of them. he was startled when bambam slammed his hand on the locker close to his face.

"hey! look at me when i'm speaking to you. you aren't scared of me are you?" he chuckled.
"or are you too much of a pussy to even talk?" the others all started to laugh behind bambam but shut them up a few seconds later.

"leave him alone bambam." all heads turned in the direction of the voice. coming up in the hallways was none other than kim mingyu. everyone was staring.

no one payed attention to wonwoo getting bullied and never told the teachers since they had no reason to. now that mingyu was getting involved, they wanted front row seats on all the action.

"since when did you start to care about this bastard mingyu?" yugyeom asked.

"none of your business." he glared at all of them. bambam smirked and turned his attention back to wonwoo who was quivering in fear. he held wonwoo by the neck and lifted him up.

wonwoo struggled to be released from bambam's strong grasp but soon gave up. bambam punched the other in the eye, leaving a very visible mark.

wonwoo fell to the ground, covering up his right eye and heard a low chuckle. he tried to not let the tears forming in his eyes fall.

now mingyu was angry, he shoved bambam up against one of the lockers and punched him in the stomach, making the other groan.

mingyu pushed his arm against bambam's neck and threatened,
"if you dare to even lay a finger on him, i won't hesitate to make you see stars for an entire week." mingyu released bambam and he said lowly to wonwoo,

"you got lucky, next time there will be no one to save your pathetic gay ass." he walked away with his minions following behind him.

yes, wonwoo is gay. He isn't sure how but everyone in school found out a few months ago. him being gay just added onto the bullying.

mingyu offered his hand to wonwoo and he took it.
"thanks uhm... mingyu. but you really didn't have to stand up for me you know, we only just met and i've gotten used to the bullying so it's fine." wonwoo said.

mingyu laughed at the elder's apologetic words.
"it's okay wonwoo, really. those guys are bunch of jerks who have nothing else to do in their lives except make someone else's life complete shit. no one deserves to get bullied, plus you're my friend now."

wonwoo's heart beat quickened at the word 'friend'.

"we're... friends?" wonwoo questioned. mingyu nodded happily whilst smiling.

"yup, friends."

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