twenty six

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wonwoo birthday special, please enjoy!

story plot continues after this chapter. i know i'm putting off the story progression a lot but i gotta so something for wonu's bday. some things mentioned in the chapter relate to storyline.

happy birthday wonu !!

10th July, a week before wonwoo's birthday. normally, everyone is excited to celebrate another year of being alive on earth, receiving gifts and throwing a party to enjoy themselves. a day for parents to watch their kids grow older into young adults. to wonwoo, his birthday is the same as every other day.

he never celebrated his birthday. even when he was younger, he never got presents, he never got parties, he never got to make a wish and blow out the candles. he never had anyone to celebrate with. not his friends, not his family. no one.

he wondered what celebrating a birthday was like when he was younger, now he wasn't too bothered, not many people even knew his birthday. the only time he would mention it would be if the topic ever came up, most people would probably forget anyway.

wonwoo walked home from school alone, thinking it was kinda odd that he didn't see any of his friends once the school bell rang, maybe they left early?

meanwhile afterschool, mingyu and the rest of the group were sat in the coffee shop, planning to surprise wonwoo for his birthday. soonyoung laid out an A3 sized piece of paper, taking out pens and markers from a small pencil case.

"alright, we have to make this the best birthday for wonwoo. any ideas?" soonyoung said, writing in big handwriting in the middle of the paper 'wonwoo's birthday surprise'.

"wonwoo wouldn't want all grand and extravagant party type things, right? so we should keep it simple. do something that wonwoo enjoy." seungcheol suggested, others nodding their head with agreement.

"how about using fairy lights to light up the room, instead of the normal room lights." chan said, soonyoung writing down their ideas on the paper.

"we could have it minghao's house," junhui started. "his house is the biggest out of all of us."

"wonder how you know that." hansol smirked at the two of them, minghao's cheeks turning a light pink whilst junhui was smirking at his blushing boyfriend.

"a-anyway!" minghao said, changing the topic. "mingyu, soonyoung. what ideas do you have? you guys know wonwoo the best out of all of us." everyone looked at mingyu and soonyoung who was writing things down, and mingyu was staring off into space, thinking about who knows what.

"oh, uhh— he likes games? maybe we can compete in video games." mingyu said, scratching the top of his head.

"yeah! we can split into teams, whoever wins the most games wins overall." seokmin
excitedly said.

"my dad can rent a few arcade games, i'm sure i can get that ready before the party" minghao said, writing a reminder on the back of his hand.

"great! we have a few ideas, it's a good start. what're we going to do about food?" soonyoung asked.

"i have friend who owns a catering business, i can ask her if she's free to do the food." seungkwan said, pulling out his phone to text someone.

"okay, food is sorted. what about decorations?" seungcheol asked.

"leave that to me and seokmin." jisoo smiled as seokmin nodded. soonyoung finished up writing.

"good! everything for the party is settled. you all know what presents you're getting, right?" soonyoung asked, everyone nodding in response. "okay, wonwoo's surprise birthday mission is a go!"

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