thirty seven

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"so, have you thought about who you were going to prom with?" mingyu asked, hands behind his back as they walked through the park that was just across the street from the café.

"nope. everyone else is going with their boyfriends and stuff so i'm not even sure who i'd ask, i doubt someone would even ask me to go with them." wonwoo chuckled.

"why would you say that?" mingyu said, looking at wonwoo who had a small smile plastered on his lips.

"why would someone ask me? even though i've become a bit more open and talked to new people, i'm still awkward and shy. who would want to go prom with someone like that." wonwoo said, still having a smile on his face as he said that. mingyu frowned, not knowing wonwoo still thought this way. he felt like he needed to prove wonwoo wrong, that he is good enough to be asked to prom.

"i'll take you to prom." mingyu stated, stopping and turning to wonwoo in the middle of the pavement.

"you would? why?" wonwoo questioned.

"because i want to show that it doesn't matter that you're awkward and shy. i mean it's not my prom, but i want to enjoy it with you. i want you to enjoy prom as well." mingyu smiled before bowing and putting his hand out, almost as if wonwoo was a prince. "now, jeon wonwoo. will you be my date to prom?"

wonwoo laughed at mingyu's cheesy gesture. "i'll gladly be your date to prom." mingyu chuckled after returning to his original position, straightening his back. they continued to walk through the park, joggers occasionally running past and parents with their kind's tiny hand in theirs. it was almost the end of july and it was meant to be the summer, but it wasn't hot enough to call it summer.

when they passed a group of trees, near a bench, they saw a toddler sobbing into her hands. she had a small teddy bear sat next to her, leaning against the child's body. there was no adult nearby that seemed to be the girl's parent. hearing the muffled cries, wonwoo and mingyu jogged over to the little girl.

mingyu bent down to see the toddler's face, "hey- hey, why're you crying? are you lost?" mingyu asked in a concerned tone. the little girl didn't speak for a moment before saying in a small voice in between cries,

"i-i can't find my mommy.." mingyu looked up at wonwoo and mouthed 'what should we do?' wonwoo shrugging in return. mingyu started to rub the back of the girl, trying to calm her down and stop her crying.

"what's your name?" mingyu said. the girl pulled her hands away from her face and wiped her tears away. "lee yeseul."

"lee yeseul? that's a pretty name. do you know where your mom is?" mingyu asked brushing some of yeseul's hair from her baby face. wonwoo sat down next to her and stroked her head, calming her down much more, though she still cried a bit.

"she said w-we were playing h-hide and seek, so i closed my eyes a-and started counting. when i opened m-my eyes, i looked around for her b-but i couldn't find her anywhere." yeseul stuttered, sniffing and wiping her tears into the pink cardigan sleeve.

"ahh, do you know your mom's phone number?" wonwoo asked sweetly. yeseul shook her head and wonwoo thought of something which would cheer her up. "are you hungry?"

"i-im a little bit hungry.." she answered, hugging onto her teddy bear. wonwoo stood up and held out his hand, smiling. "why don't we get you something to eat whilst me and my friend figure out what to do, is that okay?"

she jumped off the bench, much happier and nodded, taking wonwoo's hand. mingyu stood up as well, watching as wonwoo and yeseul started to walk to the café again. mingyu smiled at the sight, he didn't know wonwoo would be good with kids.

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