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they ate dinner and talked about whatever they could think of.

the awkwardness soon past and they acted like how they usually were all the time. best friends. and that's all they will be. at least that's what mingyu thought.

wonwoo didn't know what to think of mingyu. he loved having him as a best friend, but, as a boyfriend?

he was still traumatised from his past relationship but he didn't need mingyu finding out about that. his business is his business.

but he did feel a bit lonely. although he had friends now, he still felt like he was alone.

he wanted to feel loved. he wanted to feel cared for. he wanted to feel special to someone.

and that he was, to mingyu.

they said their goodbyes for the night and went their separate ways.

wonwoo arrived home from the restaurant and jumped onto his bed, face first into the pile of pillows that were arranged at the head of the bed.

he closed his eyes, just wanting to rest for a few minutes. suddenly, a loud ringtone interrupted and he groaned, not bothered to pick up the call.

he reached for his phone from the pocket of his jeans and looked to see who was calling.

it was soonyoung.

he answered and put it to speaker.



"don't mimic me!"

"i wasn't." wonwoo chuckled.

"so how did your date with mingyu go?"

"wasn't a date but okay."

"sure it was!"

"be quiet! anyway, it was kind of... awkward at first? if you know what i mean. especially at the restaurant. both of us were really quiet and barely talked until i brought something up to talk about."

"why was it awkward? aren't you two like best buds or something. you guys are inseparable."

"i don't know why it was awkward. when i looked at mingyu, he seemed so nervous and shy. its as if it's the first time him meeting me."

"did he stutter a lot or turn red at any point?

"I think I saw him turn a bit red when I held his hand dur-"


"yah! it's still me! I held his hand to comfort him during the movie because he was scared."

"mmhmm~ did you enjoy it?"

"sure I guess his hand felt really warm and- wait what?"

"so you like holding his hand?" wonwoo could just imagine soonyoung smirking on the other side of the phone.

"i-i mean... i don't hate it." he blushed at the thought of holding mingyu's hand again.

"is THE jeon wonwoo admitting he likes holding THE kim mingyu's hand?" soonyoung teased. wonwoo scoffed and laughed at the other male.

"n-no! i'm just saying that his hand was warm and it...felt nice." he mumbled the last few words, almost to a whisper and he could hear soonyoung starting to squeal on the other end.


"yah! will you shut up! i'm trying to focus here." wonwoo heard jihoon's angry voice in the background complaining to soonyoung.

"sorry babe but did you know... WONWOO LIKES MINGYU."

wonwoo smiled at the sound of his bestfriend's childish behaviour. "i don't like mingyu soon,"

"yes you do! you expect me to believe you? remember when you came running to my house and barged into my room, the first time he texted you."

"i don't like mingyu."

"you started acting like a whole panicked gay going on his first date."

"i don't like mingyu."

"you were so nervous, despite preparing it for days on end."

"...i-i don't like mingyu..."

"you told me he looked hot in that leather jacket he was wearing the other day~"

"oh my god... i like mingyu." wonwoo suddenly dropped the call on soonyoung before he could reply.

i like mingyu

i like mingyu

i like mingyu

i like mingyu

i like mingyu

what the fuck do i do?

a/n: sorry it took a while for this chapter and this is so trash:( i've been having writers block but i tried to put this out just for you guys.

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