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"leave him alone yugyeom!" mingyu yelled from across the hallway.

"why? he was in my way and i was just trying to get rid of him." yugyeom snickered and followed bambam who summoned him elsewhere.

mingyu ran over to the injured wonwoo who was laying on the ground. there were bruises and scars that oozed with blood all over his body. what the fuck.

he picked him up bridal style and took him to the infirmary.

he gently laid wonwoo down on the white bed, then going to find the nurse, who seemed not to be anywhere to be found.

he went back to the sleeping boy in the other room and sat down next to him.
why can't those guys just leave him alone?

he stared at the elder boy's face, studying each feature repeatedly. the sight before him was just... beautiful. it may sound weird when he says that wonwoo looks good when sleeping, but it was true. I look like an absolute creep just staring at him like this. mingyu chuckled to himself and looked elsewhere, viewing the students who were standing outside the infirmary door.

a few minutes past and the nurse still hadn't shown up. he sighed and stood up, walking around the room to see if he could find something to clean up the wounds. they could potentially become infected if he didn't do anything whilst the nurse was, well, who-knows-where. he grabbed some cotton balls and ointments and placed them on the table next to the bed.

pouring the liquid onto the cotton ball, dabbing it onto the deep scars and wounds. you really had me worried. he took a roll of bandages and wrapped it around the scar on his arm, making sure it was neat and comfortable for the other boy.

the nurse soon came and took care of the rest of wonwoo's injuries and mingyu went back to class.

mingyu came back to the nurse's office at the end of the day, seeing if wonwoo had regained consciousness. he approached the door and saw wonwoo sat up, reading a book he recommended to him earlier in the week.

"how you holding up" mingyu asked, surprising the boy, shutting his book.

"f-fine!" wonwoo panicked.

"why didn't you tell me those jerks were picking on you again?"

"I thought I could've handled it on my own." wonwoo said, almost muttering.

"you clearly didn't handle it! do you know how worried I was?" mingyu ranted, stepping into the room and sitting a the edge of the bed.

"y-you... you were worried?" wonwoo stuttered, avoiding any eye contact with the other boy in the room.

"what kind of question was that? of course I would be! how could I not be worried for my best friend,"

best friend. that's right. wonwoo was only a best friend to mingyu. nothing more.

"o-oh! of course, yeah, best friends are worried for each other. yup, uh huh." wonwoo laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"you okay won? you seem a bit... off." mingyu asked suspiciously, trying to make the other boy look at him.

"I- uh, dunno what you're talking about! I should be going now, so, see you tomorrow mingyu!" wonwoo rushed out the room, grabbing his bag along the way, leaving mingyu alone sitting on the bed dumbfounded. why did he suddenly start acting up like that?

he traced his mind back to the past few days, noticing how wonwoo has been trying to avoid him a lot during school. making excuses to get out of hanging out with the younger. even when they do end up talking, (probably on accident) it would just be pointless small talk; almost as if they didn't know each other.

he tried not to dwell on the thought too much and walked out of the room, seeing if he could catch up with wonwoo - which wasn't likely. he ran to the school gates and tried to see if the boy was anywhere to be found. nothing. he shook his head and sighed, starting to walk home.

unknowingly, wonwoo watched from the around he corner of a wall as the disappointed boy walked out of school. he felt more relieved in a way but over all felt guilty and an idiot. why did I just run off like that? I didn't even answer his question and all I've been doing is avoid him this whole week.

he left the school, making sure no one was around or following him. he played music from his playlist and stored his phone back in his pocket. he felt something weird that wasn't there before and pulled a folded up piece of paper out.

he opened it up and read:

hey won :)

hope you feel okay for the next few days, I bought a chocolate bar earlier and put it in your bag earlier when I took you to the infirmary. also !! you should be more careful next time. if those dickheads try and come for you again, they better be ready to square up to this puppy >:3 I don't want you getting injured again so just ignore them if they try and bother you. anyway,,, hope you can eat lunch with me tomorrow !! it's lonely without you :((

from your favourite tree~

wonwoo chuckled. he folded the letter away into one of his bag pockets and took out the chocolate bar, breaking off a row to eat whilst he walked.

he thought avoiding mingyu would've made it easier for his feelings go away, but days without mingyu were as if his source of happiness had been taken away from him, making him miss him even more.

and making his feelings grow even stronger.

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