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cheollie: Jeon Wonwoo.

cheollie: Wonwoo, talk to me.

cheollie: Talk to me, please?

wonunu: hyung i'm tired

wonunu: can we talk tomorrow? please?

cheollie: No, we are talking now

wonunu: okay okay fine

wonunu: just stop using caps and punctuation it scares me

cheollie: okay fine hahaha

cheollie: better

wonunu: yeah better 😂

wonunu: what's up?

cheollie: i noticed you were acting strange awhile ago when we were at the dinner after the performance

wonunu: no i wasn't

cheollie: you were so quiet and you were picking at your food. you only said like one word replies to anyone who talked to you

wonunu: i was just tired hyung

wonunu: maybe the fatigue is finally catching up to me

cheollie: hmmm... i'm calling bullshit

cheollie: it's him, isn't it?

cheollie: the reason why you're acting like this

wonunu: who?

cheollie: mingyu

wonunu: oh

cheollie: you're sad you didn't see him

wonunu: he had no obligation to come, hyung. it's okay

cheollie: you want him back into your life

cheollie: you want him don't you, wonwoo

wonunu: even if i do... i can't do what i did to him before, i can't do that shit again

cheollie: i'm not talking as friends, wonwoo

wonunu: then what?

cheollie: come on, you're brighter than this, won

cheollie: stop being in denial and blinding yourself

cheollie: you love him

cheollie: you are fucking in love with kim mingyu

wonunu: no i'm not, hyung

cheollie: you are, wonwoo. stop hiding and face the truth for once

cheollie: does he make you happy?

wonunu: yes

cheollie: do you miss him? do you want to see him? spend as much time with him as possible?

wonunu: yes, yes and... yes

cheollie: do you notice every single little thing about him? even the most inconsequential detail?

wonunu: yes, hyung

cheollie: and after all this time of not seeing him for months, your heart still aches for him?

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