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"wonwoo... we're locked in." mingyu said.

"you're kidding me right?" wonwoo asked, hoping mingyu was just tricking him. he walked up to the door where mingyu was and constantly tried to open the door, pulling and pushing the handle trying to make it open. he sighed out of frustration and walked back further into the room, sitting on the stool again. "what're we supposed to do?"

mingyu shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno, i'll text minghao or hansol, see if they could get us out. we might be stuck here for a while until then."

30 minutes passed and it both were already dying from boredom. wonwoo fell asleep on one of the desks whilst mingyu sat at the piano, learning a random piano piece. might as well learn something whilst they were stuck there.

mingyu took a 5 minute break, stretching his arms out from being in a fixed position for quite a while. he never knew learning and playing the piano was so calming and relaxing. maybe that's why jihoon loved composing music so much.

he glanced over to a sleeping wonwoo. he looked so peaceful, and dared he said it, even more beautiful than before. mingyu crouched down next to him, admiring the boy's delicate features.

his pale skin reflected the sunlight off his face. his glossy lips looked so kissable to mingyu, wanting to kiss them over and over again: but he knows he can't. his sharp cat eyes make him seem like such a cold person when he's the complete opposite if you ever bothered to get to know him.

there were so many things about wonwoo that stood out to him, making him even more lovable in his eyes. wonwoo's hand dangled on the side of the table. it looking small and quite thin, compared to mingyu.
he knows he shouldn't, his mind keeps saying against it but betrays his own words, and intertwined his hands with wonwoo's.

something about them holding hands felt so right, like they were sculpted to perfectly fit into each other's hold. wonwoo's hand felt so warm that it brought warmth to mingyu's own.

mingyu noticed a small smile form on wonwoo's lips and made mingyu feel all mushy inside. he wants for wonwoo to always have that smile. he wants to be the cause for wonwoo's happiness, protecting him from any harm that may come in their way. if only you ever loved me as much...

mingyu removed his hand front the other's grasp and brushed away the strands of hair in front of wownoo's eyes.

15 more minutes passed, mingyu heard the small clicking of the lock of the door. he looked up from his writing and saw minghao's figure at the door, struggling to fix it and make it open. he finally did and mingyu thanked him, turning to the still sleeping wonwoo.

he crouched down again and lightly tapped on wonwoo's arm. "wonwoo... wake up." wonwoo groaned and mumbled, "noo~ give me 5 more minutes." mingyu chuckled at the cute pout that was attached onto wonwoo's face, making him look so adorable that mingyu might've just melted right then and there.

"hyung~" mingyu cooed, yet wonwoo didn't budge from his fixed position; he was already too comfortable and refused to be woken up. mingyu nudged the other slightly and received a lazy push back from wonwoo. he sighed at wonwoo's stubbornness and fished his phone from the back pocket, texting his friend's group chat that they could go ahead to the café.

he turned off his phone and thought of ways he could either wake him up or at least take him home. he tried again to wake him up, this time loudly playing songs that wonwoo liked: nothing. geez, why is this guy such a heavy sleeper?

waking up seemed to be out of the question now so, how was he going to get him home? he left his car at home since he walked to school, he didn't have any money for the bus, he already told the other guys to go to the café.

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