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mingyu contemplated whether or not he should go up and talk to wonwoo. he was sure the other would think that mingyu followed him outside. that or wonwoo would start to freak out, but maybe not much? they were friends after all. at least that's what mingyu like thinks.

mingyu was overthinking the possibilities of the situation too much and he should be more relaxed.

he took a long, deep breath and walked towards wonwoo who was still lost in the pages of the book. he was so deep into the plot of the book that it took him a few minutes before he actually noticed the younger male crouched next to him.

"oh! s-sorry i didn't see you t-there." wonwoo's face started to redden from embarrassment.

"it's okay, it was quite rude of me anyway not to greet you hyung when i arrived. i just didn't want to disturb you from reading your book, you seemed like you were enjoying it." mingyu smiled which made wonwoo's heart slightly flutter.

"uhm.. y-yeah i was." he replied.

"what's the book called?"

"the fault in our stars. it's a g-good read even though most people think it's really depressing. although it has a sad plot, the write john green makes it very sweet and romantic in a way." wonwoo rambled. things like reading are topics he's confident with talking about.

mingyu found that cute about him. he could barely squeeze an answer out of wonwoo's mouth usually, but mingyu is happy that the elder feels comfortable around him in some ways.

mingyu just smiled, listening to wonwoo talk about other books he's read.

"o-oh! s-sorry i've been r-rambling all this t-time." wonwoo said embarrassed. mingyu just lightly chuckled.

"it's okay! i like listening to your voice. its cute how much you like talking about books."

cute... what did mingyu mean by that?

they sat in silence and continued to eat until the bell rang indicating to get back to class.

mingyu waved goodbye to the elder and wonwoo gave a small wave back. he watched as mingyu's figure disappeared into the school doors before he got up himself.

he walked to class, minding his own business when he was slammed against the wall. wonwoo winced at the sudden pain from his back and his eyes met with the boy in front of him.

bambam.. (a/n: sorry for making bambam and the others evil in this ff)

"told you no one will be here to save you." bambam's face was so close to wonwoo's that he could feel his breath on his face.

"did you really think mingyu would be around to protect you? did you think mingyu WANTED to be your friend?" bambam scoffed and took a step back.

he started walking back and forth in front of wonwoo whilst saying,
"can't you tell mingyu was just being sorry for you? he doesn't actually want to be your friend. he doesn't need you, you're just weighing him down. were you too blind to see that and you were that desperate for a friend?"

bambam laughed. no one was walking in the corridors. no one would be there to intervene.

"you're gay and ugly. nobody would want to be your friend. nobody likes you. i'm surprised your parents haven't abandoned you yet."

"s-stop." wonwoo said trying not to let the tears fall.

"what? you gonna cry? why should i stop? i'm sure everyone would tell you the same thing, they're all just cowards. do all of us a favour and just go kill yourself already."

(a/n: it's only chapter 4 and we already going depressed hours. i love you woo and i'm sorry ;-; )

bambam left as soon as the last words escaped from his mouth.

that's when all the tears finally came out.

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