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fuck. not again.

time skip- the next day

wonwoo was walking to school like every other morning, listening to his playlist on repeat.

"wonwoo!" he heard a voice call out. he looked behind him and saw mingyu running up behind him, looking like a complete mess.

once mingyu caught up to wonwoo he said,
"you know you should be calling me hyung right?"

"sorry hyung," he said in between breaths, buttoning up his shirt all the way to his collar, "i'm just a bit tired from last night." mingyu neatly did up his tie and slid on his blazer.

wonwoo just nods and they continue the silent walk to school.
mingyu would occasionally look at the other male, who was only slightly shorter than him.

he admired all the tiny details he never noticed before. wonwoo's sharp eyes reminded him of a cat.

"wonwoo hyung."

"yes." he answered bluntly.

"has anyone told you that you look like a cat?" mingyu asked, wonwoo chuckled slightly at the other's question.

"no, actually. why would you say that?"

"i mean, your eyes are sharp like one. and you look so small and cute in the jumper you're wearing."

wonwoo's face shifted to a light pink at mingyu's compliment. would you even call it a compliment?

mingyu looked down to where wonwoo's hands were, which were holding a few books.

he has sweater paws !!!!

"thanks i guess." wonwoo smiled for the first time in a while. he was never used to people saying good and nice things to him, so he didn't know what else to respond.

"say meow."

"what?" wonwoo said in surprise.

"you heard me. say meow."

"no! why would i say that?"

"but hyung~" mingyu whined with a pout, "just this once please~ i promise i won't make you say it ever again."

"convince me."

"i'll buy you lunch for the rest of the week! plus, you're a like a little cat, and ALL cats meow." mingyu said, exaggerating the word 'all'.

mingyu stares at wonwoo with big, puppy eyes and the cutest pout wonwoo has ever seen. how could he say no to that?
he finally gave in.

"meow..." he said quietly, almost a whisper.

mingyu pretended as if he couldn't hear the elder's meow.
"sorry what was that hyung?" he said putting a hand behind his ear.


"i can't hear you~"

"i swear i'm going to kill you little bitch. meow!" wonwoo yelled, playfully punching mingyu in the arm.

mingyu pretended to be deeply hurt by wonwoo's words, putting both hands over his heart. "you hurt me hyung~ but it's okay." he smiled at wonwoo and wonwoo's heart started to beat uncontrollably at the boy's smile.

they reached the school gate and mingyu spotted minghao and hansol sitting on a bench under one of the old sakura trees on the front lawn.

"GUYS! GUESS WHAT I GOT WONWOO TO DO~"mingyu yelled as he ran towards them.

wonwoon watched as mingyu ran after his friends.
he laughed at the sight when the younger almost tripped over his oversized feet. he was like a five year old trapped in a adult's body.

he found mingyu somewhat... cute? he wasn't attracted to him in that way, or so he thought.
wonwoo only saw mingyu as a friend. even if wonwoo was attracted to him, the likely hood of mingyu liking him back are very slim. plus, who would ever want to date him?

wonwoo hurried along to his form room for the start of the school day, as usual, sitting at the front of the class.

he took out one of the many books that were stored away in his bag, passing the time until the bell rang.

bambam and yugyeom passed by and flicked wonwoo in the head. he hissed at the small pain he felt and continued to read when the bell rang.

the teacher walked in and the students stood up and bowed, doing the normal routine with any teacher that walked into the classroom.

"now class, for this year's science fair, we will be partnering up with a lower year class,"
(a/n: idk what to call it i'm sorry.)

"me and the other teacher will be partnering you all up at random so don't think about deciding the groups yourselves."

she started reading out names and who their partners were going to be.
"jimin, you're with jungkook."

"jun, you're with minghao."

"soonyoung, you're with jihoon."

"seokjin, you're with namjoon."

"yoongi, you're with hoseok."

"finally, wonwoo, you're with mingyu."

all the girls in the class started to give deadly glares at wonwoo, who was just sitting silently, twiddling with his fingers. trying to not catch more attention than he already had.

here goes nothing.

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