thirty one

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"look at who we have here."

wonwoo immediately froze up, "b-bambam? yugyeom? jackson? w-what are you doing here?" he stuttered. next to the three boys stood a girl with dark brown hair which she was twirling around her pointer finger. wonwoo felt like he's seen her before but couldn't remember when.

"we were just going to blow off some steam and enjoy ourselves here but if you're here, we might not be able to." bambam smirked, jackson laughing behind him.

"what, why?"

"it's strictly no losers allowed. this is our turf." yugyeom said, receiving a high five from bambam. "now, run along little kitten. go an cry to your mommy."

"oh wait, you can't!" jackson added. they all started laughing and continued mocking wonwoo. wonwoo's blood was boiling, his anger attempting to take over and say all types of shit to them. he has had enough.

"shut up." wonwoo growled. the three boys turned to wonwoo with surprised looks on their faces, even the girl was surprised.

"what did you just say to us?"

"i said shut up! i'm sick and tired of you guys pushing me around like a little toy. i have done nothing to make you hate me and i barely even talked to you, bambam. why do you hate me so much? why do you have to make me suffer? why do you get satisfaction out of my pain? what have i ever done to you?" wonwoo cried. bambam pushed him against the wall, wonwoo's back making a thud as he came into contact with the wall. bambam held wonwoo by the collar as he lifted wonwoo from the ground.

"listen you little shit, i don't have to tell you anything because its none of your fucking business! what i do is none of your concern, so shut the hell up." as bambam said that, he punched wonwoo in the cheek, leaving a dark bruise mark and causing him to fall to the ground. wonwoo tried to get up but before he could, yugyeom kicked him in the stomach.

"bambam!" some yelled. they all turned to look in the direction of where the voice came from, turning to see mingyu standing with pissed off face and his hands clenched to make fists. "leave. him. alone."

bambam laughed, "or what? you gonna punch me agai—." before he finished his sentence, he took a blow to the face from mingyu punching him, bambam stumbling back slightly from the hard hit. "why you little—!" in return, he lunged and kicked mingyu in the stomach, mingyu doubling over, giving bambam a chance to uppercut him in the chin.

mingyu fell back but stood straight back up. wonwoo watched as the fight got even bigger but saw yugyeom about to attack mingyu from behind. mingyu was too occupied with bambam so if yugyeom's attack happened, it would surely end in mingyu losing. "mingyu behind you!"

mingyu looked over his shoulder to yugyeom who was about to ambush him but was pushed to the side by jungkook, causing them both to fall to the ground with a hard thud. "you guys have to stop!" jungkook yelled whilst pushing himself off of yugyeom's body, standing up properly. "fighting is utterly pointless and you three have to stop picking on wonwoo."

"what? you suddenly on this pipsqueaks side?" yugyeom said.

"what the hell, jungkook. you're better than this." jackson joined in from the sidelines.

"i know better than to pick on guys who can't fend for themselves. i don't know why you're doing this, bambam, but typically i don't care. just back off and leave him alone." jungkook threatened.

wonwoo rushed to mingyu's side who was struggling to stand on his own. "come on, let me help you." wonwoo smiled before taking mingyu's right arm and putting it around his shoulder, slowly helping mingyu up. jimin found where they were and took mingyu's other arm.

bambam and the rest of his group left, not wasting anymore time with them, the girl taking another look at them before following on behind.

jungkook walked back to the where the other three were, rubbing his temple out of frustration. "those guys really do disgust me." jimin commented, pulling jungkook into a hug.

"yeah, i didn't realise how far they would take things when picking on someone. i used too be good friends with them, but i guess they changed." jungkook shrugged. they turned to wonwoo who was trying to attend to mingyu's wounds but failed, due to mingyu squirming so much. "you guys okay?" jungkook asked.

wonwoo simply nodded. "we're okay." mingyu replied.

"i can take mingyu to my place and fix him up." wonwoo suggested. he looked at mingyu and asked, "is that okay?" mingyu gave him a small smile and nodded in response.

"okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow." jungkook said, him and jimin waving goodbye to the two as they walked back home.

"what the hell? why didn't you come with us, minhyuk" bambam yelled, finding minhyuk leaning against the wall in front of the arcade.

"confrontation in groups. not my scene. i have my own plans." minhyuk smirked.

mingyu and wonwoo walked home in the dark, only the street lights dimly illuminating their path. they met taiyo along the way and she followed them home, sitting outside wonwoo's doorstep as wonwoo unlocked the door.

wonwoo set mingyu down on the living room couch, walking into the kitchen next door to fetch the first aid kit he had stored. he returned to the living room holding a green plastic box and sat down next to mingyu, placing the box on the small coffee table. he opened the box, making a click and taking out a small towel, soaking it in water to clean the wounds.

he lightly dabbed the wet cloth on the scars, mingyu jolting upwards and pouting "ow, that hurts!"

"suck it up, you big baby." wonwoo chuckled, continuing to clean the wounds. "you know, you didn't have to get into a fight for me. i was fine on my own."

"i know... but i can't help it. i made a promise to myself that i would always be there to protect you. i hate seeing you hurt because you don't deserve it." mingyu gazed into wonwoo's eyes, bringing his hand up to caress wonwoo's face. wonwoo lowered the towel, falling onto mingyu's lap. "i really care about you wonwoo, more than you know."

"so do i, mingyu. you're my best friend and-"

"no not like that. i really care about you as more than a-" mingyu started but was interrupted by a sudden ringtone coming from wonwoo's phone. wonwoo took out his buzzing phone showing the caller ID.

minhyuk? why is he calling me at this hour? wonwoo tapped the green button, holding the phone to his ear. "hello?"

"hey wonwoo, can you meet me at my house?"

"what, why?"

"i just... need to talk to you. i'll send you the address, come alone." the call ended and wonwoo closed his phone. mingyu looked at him and asked, "who was it?"

"minhyuk. he wants me to meet him at his house."

"want me to come with you? kinda weird he wants you to see him late at night." mingyu suspected that minhyuk was planning something. something that was involving wonwoo. and mingyu was thinking that minhyuk would trick wonwoo into something and was worried for him.

"i mean yeah, it is. but i trust him, mingyu. he told me to come alone, so i'll be fine."

"okay... i trust you, wonwoo."

i'm like half asleep when writing this, sorry it ain't the best update bUT STUFF IS FINALLY HAPPENING

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