thirty five

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"get your fucking hands off him!"

mingyu rushed forward, grabbing minhyuk by the collar. minhyuk was launched backward and thrown to the ground.

"mingyu, thank god," wonwoo cried, relieved at the sight of mingyu.

"i heard some weird noises coming from upstairs and i rushed here as fast as i could. did he hurt you any where?" mingyu answered in a rush, checking to see if wonwoo had acquired any injuries.

"do you really think it's the time to talk?" minhyuk yelled from behind mingyu. mingyu faced forward and was met with a punch to the jaw. he fell to the ground and minhyuk grabbed him by the collar and delivered another punch to the face, mingyu's upper lip dripping some blood and staining his white shirt.

"minhyuk, stop this!" wonwoo yelled and mingyu used the momentary distraction to push minhyuk. minhyuk lost his sense of balance and fell. he, however, immediately got back up to his feet, but mingyu was ready to swing at him. it was a flurry of punches and kicks and wonwoo tried to crawl towards the door. minhyuk saw him and yelled, "back away from the door, wonwoo!"

minhyuk pulled something from his back pocket and it opened up with a click. a fucking switchblade. upon seeing it, mingyu immediately backed up as minhyuk pointed the sharp blade at him. "back away from the door, wonwoo." minhyuk warned.

wonwoo stood up and stepped away from the door, he pushed mingyu behind him and then he held his arms up. "don't do this, minhyuk. come on, you weren't like this." wonwoo said, in a low voice.

minhyuk laughed maniacally, the switchblade still pointed at them, "you made me like this, baby. are you happy now? it's your choice, really. you can stop this, wonwoo. i love you, just come with me and we don't have to do this."

"you don't love me, minhyuk. we aren't the same people we were all those years ago. just stop it, please." wonwoo pleaded.

"why? why? is it because of him?" minhyuk spat, pointing at mingyu with the blade, "does he love you more than i do, baby? does give you more pleasure than i do? baby, i can show you much more and make you feel so much better than he does."

"you don't fucking deserve, wonwoo. you're a disgusting piece of shit!" mingyu yelled in anger.

"isn't it better for you to just fucking shut up?!" minhyuk answered. minhyuk's eyes were larged and crazed, wonwoo knew he wasn't in the right condition. he didn't know what to do. they had a fucking blade pointed at them. wonwoo wished he could go back in time, he should have told somebody about what minhyuk was doing, he shouldn't have been such a coward.

"h-hey, minhyuk, i'll come with you okay, okay? just promise me you'll stop this, please?" wonwoo stammered, his eyes begging the man in front of him.

"wonwoo, no," mingyu said, grabbing wonwoo's arm but wonwoo shook his hand off and said, "mingyu, it's okay. it will all be over soon."

"okay, baby. i promise." minhyuk said, smiling. wonwoo stepped forward and minhyuk opened his arms for him. suddenly, they heard the front door bust open from downstairs with a large slam. they could hear large footsteps swarm into the house, men in blue uniforms rushed up the stairs to the room they were in.

"drop the weapon!" a booming voice yelled, and they soon were able to apprehend minhyuk. the police? how? mingyu thought.

wonwoo wrapped his arms around mingyu and mingyu looked at him. wonwoo had a knowing look on his face and they watched as the police put minhyuk in handcuffs. someone was talking to them asking if they were okay, and wonwoo let out a sigh of relief. he leaned against mingyu's chest and closed his eyes.

finally, it's over. it's all fucking over.

and wonwoo was going to make sure he rots in hell this time.

"how did you know to call the police before hand?" mingyu asked as wonwoo signed a papers.

"last night, he asked me to come with him to america and-"

"HE WHAT?" mingyu yelled, causing a few of the police officers in the room to stare. wonwoo gave them a few apologetic looks before looking at mingyu and signing a few more papers again.

"yeah... well minhyuk asked me to come to america and he said he would come by at sunrise. i knew he'd try something and i wanted to finally get rid of him for good, so i called the police before he came." wonwoo explained. he handed the finished papers to the man behind the desk, thanking him before they left the station.

walking out the glass doors into the open city blanketed in the rays of the sun. people on the street with coffees in hand, making their way to work. cars zooming past on the busy road. mingyu stretched his arms out in the breeze, yawning whilst looking up at the sky. wonwoo readjusted his glasses and said, "i'm so glad that bastard is finally locked up."

mingyu agreed, "same. if you hadn't called the police, i surely would have killed him myself."

"how are your injuries?" wonwoo asked, taking a look at the bandages wrapped around mingyu's hand and the scar on his upper lip. mingyu smiled, "they're okay. getting hurt was worth it though."

"what? how can you say that? why?" wonwoo said with a confused look on his face which mingyu chuckled at, how adorable wonwoo looked.

"it was worth getting hurt because i was protecting you." wonwoo blushed at mingyu's statement, making mingyu smile even more. "aw, did i make hyung blush?" mingyu cooed, pinching wonwoo's rosy pink cheeks. wonwoo slapped mingyu's hand away, hiding his embarrassed face.

"n-no! i'm just... cold!" wonwoo panicked, already so embarrassed from blushing. mingyu laughed at wonwoo pouting whilst trying to cover up his embarrassment.

"i'm just teasing you, hyung. come on, soonyoung wanted everyone to meet at the cafe." mingyu smiled and wonwoo smiled back.

wonwoo felt happy, happy and relieved. it was as if a huge weight was just taken off his shoulder, and wonwoo was finally free. free from the suffering.

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