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soonyoung started to feel much more tense than before, hearing the voice on the other side of the phone, a voice he hasn't heard in years.

"hoshi?" his father said, sounding very stern. "after all these years of me trying to contact you, you only answer me now?" it almost sounded like he was threatening his son, as if it's just one of his employees and they aren't blood related. "do you know how long I've been looking for you. in a year, you WILL take over the company, whether you like it or not."

soonyoung was hesitant to answer, scared to anger the older man. it's been 4 years. 4 years since he escaped with his sister to korea. he was originally from japan, living a normal, happy life with his sister and mother. his father was never home, always overseas taking care of the family business, the business that soonyoung was meant to take over in a year.

his japanese name was hoshi kitano. this translating to 'north star' (note: not sure if true, sorry if it isn't TT). but, he wasn't hoshi kitano anymore, he was kwon soonyoung. he had a perfectly good life being the man he is and he wasn't going to let this man, the man who ruined his life, the man who killed his mother, take everything away from him again.

"" soonyoung said over the phone.

"what did you just say?" his dad said, surprised at the back talk he received, not expecting this type of behaviour from his son.

"I said no."

"who do you think you are talking to? hoshi kitano, I am your father and you WILL listen to me no matter what. I provided for you with money, food and a house and this is how you repay me!" he scoffed.

"I am not hoshi kitano, I am kwon soonyoung and you are not my father! you were never my father and never will be. you were always somewhere abroad making money and didn't even care for the family you left behind. don't give me that bullshit, you were the reason mother died!" soonyoung argued. he was never this angry, no one has ever seen him like this, he hoped never will.

"so what if that old hag died? she was a weakling and was always getting in my way! she was just as useless as you and your pathetic sister." soonyoung could almost imagine the geezer's smirk plastered on his face.

"do not even mention my sister, she has done nothing wrong. if you want a fight than i'll give you one."

"ha! what could you do? oh, are you going to dance me away out of korea just so you can protect your little boyfriend." soonyoung froze at the words that came out of his dad's mouth.  he knows about jihoon?

"w-what? how do you know about jihoon?"

"so his name is jihoon? even mentioning his name sounds pathetic. no wonder you chose him to be your boyfriend. you're just as pathetic as him." soonyoung was tempted to hang up on the old man, not wanting to hear any of his threatening complaints.

"he's not pathetic, you are. you think money is all you need in this world but it'll only make you miserable and you'll be all alone, just like you wanted." the words coming out of soonyoung made his father laugh, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into son.

"just you wait, hoshi, just wait until I get my hands on-" soonyoung ended the call, tired of the games his father were playing on him. but he was still scared. he was scared that he might do something that will impact everything in his life. especially knowing that his father even knows about his boyfriend, jihoon. he doesn't know what his father would even want with him, this shit was bad enough on his own, he didn't want his boyfriend to get involved as well. he was worried that jihoon is going to be the one ending one getting hurt, instead of him, that would make he feel guilty for the rest of his life.

he would feel guilty that his family drama would be the reason his lover would get hurt. jihoon was the one that helped him when he ran away with his sister to korea. jihoon was the one that helped him on his darkest days, being the cause of his happiness, being the sun that lights up his night. and he was so thankful for jihoon coming into his life and loves him with all his heart, and that would never change.

he had to protect jihoon from that man, he will not let him touch jihoon. but how?

that's when he thought, wonwoo! he looked for wonwoo's number in his contact list, calling him as soon as he did. it took a few seconds until the other picked up the call. "soonyoung? where have you been? we were so worried for you and that something happened."

"don't worry, i'm perfectly fine. I just have a favour to ask you."

"what is it?" wonwoo questioned over the phone. soonyoung never asked for favours so this was the first.

"it's my father..."

"your father? what happened with your father?" right, wonwoo doesn't know who my father is...

"hemightbecomingtokoreaandmighttakemeawaybacktojapantotrainmetoinheritthecompanyi'mmeanttomanageaftermy18thbirthdayannimightnevercomebacktoseeanyofyouagain." soonyoung said quickly in one breath. (note: sorry if you can't read that lmao)

"w-w-wait slow down soonyoung, I didn't hear a word you said." wonwoo replied.

"my dad, might be coming to korea, take me back to japan, make me take over the company, and I may never see you guys ever again."

"WHAT?" wonwoo said surprised, not expecting any of this to come out of his mouth, expecting it was going to be good news about soonyoung's father. "why would your father want to make you inherit the company? wait, your dad owns a company?!"

"yes! but that's beside the point. I need your help, in preventing him getting anywhere near jihoon."

"what does jihoon have anything to do with this?"

"my dad somehow knows about him and i'm worried he might do something just to make me go with him, so all we need to do is just, make sure he doesn't get his filthy hands on jihoon."

"i'm in, but can at least tell me about your dad. i wanna see how much of a jerk he is judging from what you said earlier."

soonyoung spent the first 5 minutes explaining his history with his dad, making him seem like the cruelest person on this planet, because he was. they then started to plan what they could do to get rid of soonyoung's dad once and for all, so he wouldn't have to bother soonyoung, his sister, or even jihoon anymore.

they ended their call and agreed that the plan should be in motion in a month, giving them enough time to prepare beforehand, in case soonyoung's dad tries to do anything scandalous before the due date.

one month. one month to get rid of my father once and for all. one month to put a stop to all this pain and suffering he has cause me and jiyoung. she did nothing wrong yet dad always took out his anger on her. i'll be the one to protect her, i'll be the one to protect her just like i should've done all those years ago. jihoon... he can't find out about any of this. i can't risk to put him in more danger.
soonyoung was determined that this was the right thing to do, although it's soonyoung's dad, he never acted like one. he was never there for soonyoung when a son needed his father most, it was always his mother.

once wonwoo ended the call with soonyoung, he tucked his phone away to underneath one of the pillows on the couch. he rubbed his eyes to try and stay awake, needing to finish up one of his homework's. he was about to stand up from his seat when he only realised now that mingyu's head was laid peacefully on his lap, using wonwoo's thighs as soft pillows.

he was tempted to wake mingyu up, but he went against it, the younger was probably tired from having to carry wonwoo home and take care of him after. instead he just sat there, with mingyu asleep on his lap, hearing the small breaths come from him, with a few occasional snores now and again, which amused wonwoo quite a bit.

he stroked mingyu's chocolate brown hair, feeling how soft and well conditioned it was. his hair smelled great as well. he admired mingyu's honey, sun kissed skin, seeing how clear it was with not a scar or pimple insight, unlike wonwoo who had a few scratches here and there around his lips and eyes.

only then did wonwoo realise how beautiful mingyu was to him.

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