forty seven

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mingEW: i did it, hao

mingEW: i ended it

mingEW: i finally let him go

memehao: how are you holding up?

mingEW: well, i'm still alive. if that's what you're asking

memehao: now i feel guilty that i might've advised you wrongly

mingEW: no, hao. you were right

mingEW: if we had continued, we'd both probably ended up in pain

mingEW: we both needed this

memehao: do you want me to come over? i'll bring ice cream. let's talk about it <3

mingEW: yes please, i love you

memehao: who doesn't love me

mingEW: ungrateful bitch

teletubby: are you okay???

teletubby: hao told me what happened

wonton: yeah, i'm fine

wonton: thanks for worrying

teletubby: how do you feel right now?

wonton: to be honest? like shit haha

wonton: but i think it need to happen

wonton: i don't want to hurt him any longer

wonton: he helped me so much, opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective

wonton: even i have to do it from scratch, i'll build myself up and become complete again

wonton: i at least owe that to mingyu

time skip - april

"pack your bags up guys! we're going to europe!" mingyu yelled from downstairs, stirring the ramen he was cooking. he heard the muffled footsteps of minghao and hansol running down the stairs.

"we're going where?!" hansol said, running into the kitchen with minghao following behind him. "did you say we're going to fucking europe?!"

"dude, the tickets are expensive as fuck, how did you manage to get hold of them?" minghao asked, much more calmly than hansol who was already eyeing the almost-ready ramen in the cooking pot.

"being a rapper under pledis is really paying off so whilst going to school, i've been doing some song production and i have a part time job at a café nearby." mingyu explained, draining the ramen and distributing the contents evenly into three bowls. "i've been saving up for us to go in the last few months."

as he was arranging the table, he stumbled a bit when hansol and minghao wrapped their arms around him, enclosing him into a tight hug. "we love you, mingyu!" the two said at the same time.

mingyu chuckled, pulling away from the group hug. "love you guys, too. it's the least i could do. you helped me through so much." he smiled. "let's eat before the ramen gets cold!"

they pulled up the chairs, taking their chopsticks in hand and started slurping up their piles of noodles, eventually finishing their servings in only a few minutes.

minghao and hansol went home to pack as they would be leaving the next morning. mingyu started to clean up after his friends left a few minutes ago. washing the dishes and propping them up in the plate holder to air dry.

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