bonus: my vow to you

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as the clocktower struck, the bell rung in time with the chiming music of the event that was taking place below. the late rays of sunset shone behind the arch that stood at the front of the aisle, the priest talking with some of the guests who helped organise the event and were close to the couple. white magnolias accented with pink blossoms were neatly displayed on each chair that was close to the middle, a white lace wrapped around the seats to look even more aesthetically pleasing. the orchestra's music played in beautiful harmonies as people sat in their seats, waiting for the cermony to begin and see the happy couple seal their love for one another under the orange hues of sunlight.

six boys stood behind the audience, all talking excitedly of what's to come, adjusting their appearance and slicked back hair to be prepared for the cermony and pictures that would be taken after it ended.

"can the wedding start already?! i'm so excited, my heart is going to jump out of my chest!" seungkwan sqeualed, jumping up and down in place, clinging onto his fiance, hansol.

"babe, calm down. it's gonna start in a few minutes." hansol said, chuckling at his lover and admiring the wide smile that was spread across his face. just from how hansol was looking at seungkwan, it's almost as if you could see imaginary hearts in his eyes.

"i don't blame him really," seungcheol said, his arms cuddling his husband's body, jeonghan. "we've been waiting for this day for ages."

"it's seems like highschool all over again. us just waiting for those two to stop denying their feelings and finally be together." jeonghan smiled, snuggling into the warmth of seungcheol's body as seungcheol had wrapped his arm around jeonghan's waist. "it took like months for them to finally confess to each other. i thought they'd be in denial forever." they all chuckled, fond memories of the two when they weren't together and were blind to each other's feelings.

"that doesn't matter now, because they're finally getting married!" seokmin said, simultaneously squealing with seungkwan. his lover, jisoo, only chuckled at his excited behaviour, placing a soft and sensual kiss on the latter's lips. this caught seokmin off guard but responded back by lightly kissing the other's lips, a small smile appearing admist the kiss.

"ew! boo!" the pair heard their friends yell, stopping their kiss as the others contiued to be disgusted by the couple's pda, but they all know each and every one of them would do the sam with their partners. "i just realised, the ceremony is starting soon, but where are jihoon and sooyoung?"

"probably somewhere sucking each others' faces off and fucking in a closet."


admist the laughter, jihoon and soonyoung emerged from their sleek, black car, rushing to where their friends were standing and apologising for being a little late. they never stated a clear reason as to why they were late, but jihoon's hair being a little messy and soonyoung's loosened tie and undone top button told them enough. some started to snicker to themselves, causing for confusion to mask jihoon and soonyoung's faces. "don't you guys... want to fix yourselves up?" jeonghan asked, trying to hold back his own snickering.

soonyoung and jihoon looked at each other and saw the messy state they were in, fixing themselves up before embarrased blushes emerged onto their faces. the others laughed before turning around back to the main ceremony and talked amongst themselves.

"i told you a quickie in the morning wasn't a good idea." jihoon said through gritted teeth, holding soonyoung's hand and intertwining their fingers. "because it's never a quickie." he huffed, making soonyoung laugh out loud beside him.

the older touched jihoon's cheek gently, which was enough for the younger to tilt his head and look at soonyoung, and the older took that opportunity to plant a small peck on his lips.

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