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mingyu was bored out of his mind during english literature. there was nothing to be excited about the subject. all you do is analyse passages from some old guy who spoke in a fancy way.

mingyu has no one to talk to since none of his friends were in the same class. he looked around to find a girl staring at him. she was very pretty with long brown hair and skin that isn't too pale or too dark.

the girl gave a mingyu a flirtatious smile and a small wave. he returned with a smile and brought his attention back to his textbook.

many girls at this school have always had feelings for mingyu, them being romantic feelings or sexual feelings, but he always turned every one of them down. it's not that he doesn't like them, they're all pretty in their own ways. he's just never been interested.

he gets confronted and confessed to almost every other day. mingyu was tired of it of course but he didn't want to seem rude by turning them down in a harsh way. rejecting girls became second nature for him.

as soon as the bell rang, indicating the end of class, mingyu rushed out of the classroom into the cafeteria. he occasionally forgets to eat breakfast since he wakes up late on accident so his hunger was taking over.

he heard a few voices from the people who he shoved past but he didn't really care, the only thing he cared about right now was his food. (a/n: this is such mood lol)

he sat down at a table with his food, joining his friends minghao and vernon.

minghao is his bestfriend who he has known for as long as he can remember. they do everything together and his number one go-to for anything.

vernon, most people call him hansol, is his classmate for almost 3 years. they're close friends and stays afterschool to play basketball with mingyu and a few others occasionally. it's obvious that he likes seungkwan but he's in denial.

when he placed his food down on the table, hansol reached his hand towards mingyu's waiting for a high five, typical hansol.

"so, have you talked to seungkwan yet?" mingyu teased.

"for the last time gyu, i'm not into seungkwan like that." vernon said frustrated.

minghao chuckled beside him, "you sure about that? last time i checked you were completely swooning over his voice whilst he was practicing the other day."

"oh like you don't do the same thing when you see junhui's dancing." a shade of pink rose to minghao's cheek as a rubbed the back of his neck. he wasn't denying something that was true.

"why don't you two just confess to your secret lovers already." mingyu said whilst chewing on his sandwich.

"easy for you to say." hansol said.

"yeah, literally everyone has a crush on you gyu so you never even need to confess to anyone since they all come up and do it to you." minghao stated, he had a point.

"doesn't mean i like any of them. it's not my fault i was born so devilishly handsome." mingyu smirked and took a sip of his drink.

he looked around the room as minghao and hansol continued to bicker about each others love interest. he then spotted wonwoo walking out of the cafeteria holding his food.

where was he going? you're usually not allowed to take food out of the cafeteria. he was thinking about whether or not he should follow him and decided to go with his gut.

"hey guys i'm going to be right back." he said, looking back at the other two and it seemed like neither of them heard him and just left the cafeteria.

mingyu followed the other to the outside gardens and wonwoo sat underneath one of the big trees, taking out one of the books from his bag and eating his food at the same time.

he peeked from around the corner from one of the other trees close by and admired the elder. the sight was breathtaking.

even just simple actions that wonwoo did  like reading a book or eating, to mingyu he was perfect.

although other people bully wonwoo for just being himself, nothing they said could change mingyu's mind about how or what he though of wonwoo.

he was perfect to mingyu.

author ; this chapter was trash i'm sorry, i wasn't sure what i wanted in this chapter so i just decided to introduce gyu's friends and who they like.
there will be some meanie progression soon don't worry, i'm not an amazing writer but i hope that this book will turn out good

bye for now!

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