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puppy 🐶


hey gyu? what's up?

up for a party on friday
night? minghao's hosting one

minghao? he's dating
that guy junhui right?

yeah he is!
you wanna go?

i guess a party wouldn't hurt

great, i'll pick you up
at 7pm before the party
see ya then!

wonwoo shut off his phone and put it away back in his pocket, unpausing his game. this was going to be wonwoo's first high school party in years, he never one for going out to parties, knowing the shit that goes down at them. the alcohol, the dancing, the loud music, all of which made him quite uncomfortable.

he didn't want to disappoint mingyu by not going, so, how could he say no?

he continued to eat his breakfast and got ready for school.

friday night

wonwoo stepped out of the shower, drying off his hair with a towel, becoming all ruffled and messy. he got dressed into his outfit which was made up of: a plain white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and his checkered, black and white vans sneakers. three, loud prominent knocks were heard from the front door downstairs, probably mingyu here to pick wonwoo up.

wonwoo hurriedly ran down the stairs, tripping over his shoe lace on the way. he opened the door to mingyu's tall figure standing there.

"hey!" mingyu said happily. he looked at wonwoo head to toe, stunned by just looking at him. "uhm, you look great."

"thanks.." wonwoo mumbled. he looked up at mingyu standing in front of him, admiring him.
mingyu's hair was swept back, plain white shirt with jeans and a leather jacket over the top, paired with black converse shoes.

"ready to go?" mingyu asked, unlocking his car, making a small beep sound.

"yeah, lemme just lockup." wonwoo took out the keys from his pocket and locked the front door, walking down to mingyu who was now in the car.
he sat down in the passenger seat, buckling his seatbelt and plugging in his headphones into his ears.

the car ride was silent til' they got to minghao's house. minghao's family are extremely rich since his parents have the biggest company in china and multiple branches around asia and soon internationally. it's no surprise that he would throw a party for the whole school now and again. "just stay with me and if you feel uncomfortable, tell me and i'll take you home." mingyu reassured wonwoo and he nodded.

they could already hear the loud music thumping from the house, numbers of people could be seen from the large windows that surrounded the house, already having the time of their lives, getting drunk.

wonwoo stares at the daunting mansion and followed mingyu inside the house. the whole ground floor was full of hyped school teenagers, cup in hand, probably filled to the brink with some type of alcohol. "hey mingyu!" a voice said.

wonwoo couldn't recognise the voice or the owner over the loud music and the number of people in his sight of view. but it was someone mingyu knew.

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