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"yes!! i won! you all are rotten eggs." jungkook cheered as he stuck his tongue out whilst making an L shape with his fingers and placing it on his forehead. he started doing fortnite dances that jimin, mingyu and wonwoo laughed and cringed at. "you being a major athlete doesn't help." mingyu complained.

"i don't do athletics that much." jungkook pointed out. "i'm more into music and art."

"mhm. says mr 'i do 100 push ups and sit ups in the morning.' jimin raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms. mingyu and wonwoo were surprised as to what jimin just said.

"wait, YOU DO 100 PUSH UPS AND SIT UPS EVERY MORNING?!" mingyu and wonwoo exclaimed.

"yeah. if i didn't, i'd be really out of shape from how much unhealthy food i eat." jungkook chuckled. mingyu and wonwoo looked at each other, still surprised by how much jungkook works out, JUST IN THE MORNING.

they entered the arcade as music played in the background. children of all ages were scattered around, occupied on the many games that were there. families in competition at the bowling alleys as friends turn to enemies at the laser tag part of the arcade, all having the fun they came there for. tired, teenager employees stood at theirs desks exchanging the ticket papers for the prizes the children desired, saying the exact same phrase to each customer when they received their new toy.

the four first went to the bowling alley. it was a close tie but of course jungkook was able to win over all. they had a few rounds of bowling before going to the main games of the arcade. jungkook and jimin raced on the mario kart game whilst wonwoo and mingyu played on the basketball shooting. it was funny when mingyu shot a basketball at the hoop and ended up missing and it bounced back towards mingyu, leading to mingyu being hit straight in the face. wonwoo was in laughing fit for a good two minutes because the face mingyu made was too good to not get on camera.

after that they all played double air hockey together.  jimin and wonwoo vs mingyu and jungkook; to their surprise, the game ended with jimin and wonwoo winning.

jimin and jungkook went off to exchange all the tickets the four of them collected whilst mingyu and wonwoo had their eyes on a certain claw machine. inside the machine were a variety of plushies to be won. some pokemon, some pusheen cats, some squishmallows and other animal based stuffed toys.

wonwoo started at all the cute plushies in awe, eyes darting everywhere inside just to see which one he wanted to try and win. mingyu started at wonwoo with love in his eyes and a warm smile on his face. just seeing wonwoo like this made mingyu feel happy and all mushy inside.

he noticed that wonwoo had his eyes set on a particular wolf plush. it was medium size with a round body with a coat of dark purple fur. they embroidered eyes were a light blue with a small white twinkle in the corner. the tail was cute size attached to the back of the wolf's body. the snout was white and small with the little face you'd draw when drawing a cat along with a cute, boop-able nose. its ears were little triangles pointing upwards with pink on the inside matching the white accent. (if you've ever watched aphmau, you know what plush i'm talking about)

mingyu took out a handful of coins from his front pocket, moving them around with his thumb to find the correct amount of money to be able to play. he inserted the coins through the slot as the button and handle blinked a few colourful lights. he bent down in the usual stance you'd do if you were about run a race and placed his overside hands on the joystick and the yellow button. he started guiding the crane towards where the plushie was, which was covered by a few small plush keychains that were there for decoration. mingyu looked from the side of the machine to make sure the crane would grab it correctly and win the plush for wonwoo.

wonwoo snickered at the funny pose mingyu was stood in with his tongue poking out slightly, his eyes fixed on the crane that started to lower when he pushed the button. the crane latched onto the torso of the plush, slowly starting rise and move towards the clear, fenced off hole. mingyu held his fists together, hoping he would be lucky today and the stuffed toy won't fall from the claw.

the two boys held their breath when the plush brushed the top of a small mountain of toys, close to dropping back into the sea of stuffed animals. "come on, come on, come on. just go in!" mingyu mumbled to himself, watching patiently as the crane continued to move to the hole.

a wide smile plastered onto his and wonwoo's face as the plush dropped. mingyu pushed the flap and claimed the wolf plush, handing it wonwoo. "here."

"what? why are you giving it to me? you won it." wonwoo asked surprised.

"i won it for you." mingyu smiled, "now take it, my arms getting tired." he whined before wonwoo took the plush from mingyu. wonwoo hugged the stuffed toy as he mouthed a 'thank you' to mingyu.

"if you're ever sad, just cuddle wolfie and imagine it's me comforting you." mingyu said.

they met up with jungkook and jimin by the spin to win wheel and played a few more games. "i'm just going to go to the bathroom." wonwoo said. they nodded as they continued to play a shooting game.

wonwoo gave the wolf plush to mingyu who was watching jungkook and jimin, walking off to find the bathroom. he entered the stall and did his business, coming out the. washing his hands next to a few other people. he dried his hands under the dryer, giving off a warm heat of air. wonwoo looked in the mirror, arranging and brushing his hair as it became slightly messy from all the action he's had today.

he walked out the men's restroom and came face to face with a group of people, people he didn't expect to see.

the boy in front smirked, "look who we have here."

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