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time skip~ few months later

wonwoo and mingyu continued to hang out and enjoy each other's company. they're much more closer than before.

wonwoo's anxiety still gets to him but he's improving thanks to mingyu. he's becoming a bit more open to the idea of making more friends.

of course the bullying hasn't stopped but it doesn't happen as often because mingyu and the others were always there to stand up for him, especially mingyu.

over the pass few months mingyu and wonwoo have spent together, learning more about each other and hanging out, mingyu's feelings have grown stronger.

everything he has learnt about wonwoo has made him fall more in love with the other boy. everything wonwoo does is special to mingyu and the other boy seems perfect to him.

but mingyu knew that the chance of wonwoo ever liking him back were slim, yet he still has hope and isn't going to give up.

as mingyu and wonwoo were playing games together, mingyu asked, "hey won-hyung, do you want to go to the movies this weekend? i was meant to go with minghao but of course he cancelled to be with jun."

"sure, when do you want to meet up?" wonwoo replied, eyes still glued to the screen, focusing on the game.

"is saturday 5pm good for you? we can go eat at this new restaurant i saw after." mingyu said.

"HA! I BEAT YOU!" wonwoo exclaimed, standing up and jumping around mingyu who was pouting just staring at the screen in defeat. "and yeah, that's works for me."

mingyu's phone buzzes in his pocket and he opened his phone to read the messages.

"won, i have to go now. my mum needs me pick her up from the airport." mingyu said to wonwoo.

wonwoo turned off the console as he said, "it's okay gyu, i'll see you on saturday." mingyu smiled and left the house.

time skip~ saturday

"yo it's totally a date!" hansol exclaimed.

"hansol! no it's not, it's just another one of our hangouts." mingyu said.

"it's a not-date date." hansol joked, taking a chip from the bag.

"how is it a date? we do these types of things all the time." mingyu asked.

"well, people go on movie dates, they go to eat at fancy restaurants on dates." hansol said.

"okay, maybe it does seem like a date. but i doubt wonwoo will think it's a date! the chance of him even going on a date with me are 1%." mingyu explained.

"don't lose hope! maybe if you imply and make it seem like a date, he might get the hint." hansol winked and mingyu laughed at him.

"i've been flirting with him for the past few months, i don't even know if he's ever been on a date." mingyu turned around in one of the outfits he prepared.
"how does this look?"

"yeah no, you're not gonna get that dick dressed like that." mingyu threw a pillow at hansol's face.

"shut up hansol! as if you don't want to get with seungkwan too."

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