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warning: mention of abuse, suicide and rape, please skip if uncomfortable.

(will be kinda important to knowing wonwoo's backstory)

a few more months past and mingyu continued to pursue wonwoo, him becoming more aware of the younger's feelings.

but it still hurt. no matter how much wonwoo wanted to be with mingyu, he had to try and not fall in deeper. he still had nightmares from that night. still haunted by that one experience that fucked up his life.

mingyu noticed how every time he tried to get close to wonwoo, he would be pushed away; put aside like he was nothing. of course he told himself he would be patient with wonwoo knowing how he was. but it was tiring. he was determined to know why wonwoo was acting like this, not later. now.

"hey won!"

"oh, mingyu, i didn't know you were up already. have you eaten breakfast?"

"i have! don't worry, i just wanted to ask you about something."

"which is what?"

"uh, it's sorta important so, could i come over and talk to you about it in person?"


mingyu arrived at wonwoo's house 10 minutes later. mingyu entered through the door and plunged into the comfy sofa in the living room, with a bit, too many pillows. but it just makes it even more cosier!

wonwoo sat cross-legged next to the taller male and asked, "so, what was so important you wanted to come over?"

"there's just something i want to know... i mean you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable but i just need to know." wonwoo stared at mingyu ramble on with a puzzled look.
"the thing is, whenever i try to get close to you, you always push me away or, reject anything i do that indicates that i like you; as more than a friend."

wonwoo looked at a bit surprised at this point, oh no. he's going to ask about-

"i just want to know, why?" mingyu locked eyes with wonwoo. showing so much curiosity and just wanting to know the truth.

"you wanna know why?" wonwoo asked, mingyu nodded. "it's a long story so we may be here a while." he smiled and mingyu said,
"it's fine."

"well, it all happened well over 2 years ago" (wonwoo was a freshman) "and as you know, i have social anxiety. it was extremely hard for me to talk to anyone, even teachers. the first few weeks were pretty shit, of course i was alone everywhere i went and did everything on my own. even at home, my parents were never there for me so I was all on my own."

mingyu looked at wonwoo fondly, him starting to invest deeper into the backstory and explanation. "his name was lee minhyuk. that son of bitch was the cause of my suffering."

"what do you mean.... suffering?"

"I thought he was a good kid, someone I could trust. at least that's what I thought. at first we were just friends, doing what usual people would do when they have friendships with others. but he started acting... strange. I'm not sure how you would describe I, but it was weird. he started flirting and doing things that I had no knowledge about. at the time, I had no idea or experience on what... whatever he was doing, 'romance' if you would call it that. the flirting continued and I did start developing feelings for minhyuk."

wonwoo massaged his temple, becoming more uncomfortable with the reminiscing bad memories coming up in his head. "we started dating after a few months, I was new to all this love stuff so minhyuk was 'patient' with me and took it slow. yet he just turned out to be a two-faced dickhead who was just using me. he would always say that he loves me and that i'm so amazing and all the bullshit, but the next thing he talks is how I don't act like I want to be with him and I'M the one using him for people to start liking and talking to me." he scoffed at the thought of that bastard minhyuk. (author: I have nothing again minhyuk or monstax, please don't come for my ass ;-;)

"how was he using you?"

"he started... touching me," he whispered the last words, "touching me in disgusting ways that I didn't even realise. at first I thought I would be fine with it, but those ideas stopped when it started becoming either aggressive or sexual. one night he lured me to his apartment, saying we were just going to watch some movies. his parents were overseas on a business so no one would have been able to witness what happened next. we were sat on his bed, watching Netflix on his tv, his arm around mine which I didn't notice because me being a dumbass was oblivious to everything he did. he started kissing me, all over my cheek, me jaw, my ear; everywhere." shivers went down mingyu's spine, now having some idea of what minhyuk might've done to wonwoo.

"I repeatedly told him to stop, tried pushing him away but he just held me down, he was too strong. I couldn't do anything to stop what was happening at that moment, I just had to lie there and endure the pain I was feeling." wonwoo wiped a tear from his eye before it could fall.
"he made his way down my body, being as careful with me yet forcefully holding me down so he could have full control over me. he stripped of my shirt and unbuckled my pants, I tried to get out of his hold as much as I could but it was no use, I couldn't do anything, I was helpless and so vulnerable, maybe that's why minhyuk took that interest in me. he saw me as an easy target and used that to his advantage. I'm getting off topic sorry." wonwoo gave mingyu a apologetic look and mingyu shook his head.

"its fine, don't worry. you can talk about anything you're feeling with me." he smiled and wonwoo gave a sad smile back.

"he kicked off his pants, along with his boxers as well and aggressively pulled me to the edge of the bed. i bet you could guess what happened after that." he sighed to himself and continued, "how could i have been so stupid? i was a clueless, naïve teenager that couldn't even handle a situation like that on my own! i'm such an idiot!"

"don't call yourself that won, you're anything but and idiot! that bastard took advantage of you and fucking raped you! that's not your fault!"

"but it is my fault he got away with it!" wonwoo added, angry at himself.

"w-what? what do you mean?" mingyu stuttered, looking confused.

"he got away with it... i couldn't even report him of his crime and make him 'fess up because he blackmailed me. his parents were the one paying for my mother's hospital bills because she was extremely sick at the time. if i reported him to the police, my mother would've die in less than a year. so i stayed quiet, minhyuk continued to use me for his disgusting desires and things got even worse from then on. i soon started to refuse doing things for him, tried stop being around him but that made things go south. he started abusing me, threatening me. it's fucking sick behaviour i know but i couldn't even do anything about it. he was an absolute psychopath. the beatings became more visible and people started to notice them too and spread even more rumours about me. i suffered so much, i had to live with the pain whilst minhyuk just got to walk around like a living god. the way he stared at me all the time disgusted me, he looked at me as if i was his trophy and was proud of what he did to me. from that day on he acted as if like nothing was wrong and he didn't even do anything to me! every time i tried to speak up he just... made me feel like i should be the one guilty, like i was hurting his feelings and i was the bad person instead of him. that's when i realised... he was grooming me."

"i became extremely, mentally unstable and even had suicidal thoughts and a year later i moved out of that town to this school. i went to therapy for a few months and the thoughts stopped and i got the help i needed. i met soonyoung and he helped me a lot. even you helped me a lot get out of my distorted, mental state and- mingyu?!"

wonwoo was interrupted by mingyu's arms suddenly wrapped around him. he was surprised at first but returned the embrace and put his arms around mingyu. "you're so brave won... you went through shit that even i wouldn't think you would've went through. i really look up to you, i don't know how you've been able to live with that burden of the bad memories of that asshole on your back, you're amazing."

"stop being so soft and sappy," wonwoo chuckled, "and i'm not that amazing mingyu, i just had to live with it because what else could i have done?"

"whether you agree with me or not, i will always have my respect for you wonwoo, i look up to you so much and i will always be here for you if anything like that happens again. i'll be the one to protect you if anyone or even minhyuk comes back to try and ruin your life." mingyu said, hugging wonwoo tighter for reassurance.

"t-thank you, mingyu."

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