twenty eight

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mingyu walked away from minhyuk who was smirking as the tall boy faded into the crowd. minhyuk left the hall and out the school gates. mingyu felt so stupid and horrible. what am i doing? why did i agree? mingyu thought.

he walked back to his table where wonwoo stood, talking to minhyuk. "hey, mingyu." wonwoo waved. "have you seen minhyuk? i left him here but i can't seem to find him."

"i saw him leave the hall just now, he didn't seem like that great of a guy." mingyu said, smiling to some of the students who greeted him as they walked by.

"did you talk to him?" wonwoo asked.

"a little bit, don't think he likes me too much." mingyu laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"really?" wonwoo sighed, "he can be a bit, rough, when meeting people for the first time. he's not usually like that, i can assure you. maybe he'll warm up to you if you hung out more." he smiled and mingyu nodded.

"want to walk around for a little bit, before the judges come to our station?" mingyu offered.

"sure." wonwoo responded. they left their project alone and walked around the hall, talking to their friends from other classes.  they were walking along one of the rows of tables before

"hey, mingyu!" a boy the same age as him called out his name. mingyu and wonwoo turned around and saw jungkook and jimin behind them, waving.

"hey, kook. it's been a while." mingyu high-fived his friend and greeted jimin. wonwoo smiled at both of them.

"it has. we need to start hanging out more again. last time i saw you was at minghao's party." jungkook said.

"we'll sort something out." mingyu smiled. "oh! i haven't properly introduced you to my friend. jungkook, this is wonwoo."

"hey." wonwoo said.

"hey, wonwoo. i believe jimin has mentioned you before." jungkook looked at jimin next to him who was nodding, "yep! i remember me and wonwoo had an english project once and we got the highest grade, because of him." jimin said happily.

"do you want to join us afterschool at the arcade? we were planning to invite a few people to come along but most of them are busy." jungkook offered.

"sure, only if wonwoo's okay with it." mingyu said, turning to wonwoo. "wanna go?"

"i don't see why not."

"great! meet us outside the school gates after school ended. we can walk straight to the arcade." jimin said, all the boys nodding. jimin checked his phone after receiving a notification. "we have to go. taehyung needs help with his project since his partner decided not to show up. see ya!"

jimin walked away with jungkook waving to mingyu and wonwoo behind him. "guess we should get back to our project, right?" mingyu asked. wonwoo nodded and they headed back to their table.

they waited at the back of the hall by their project for a few minutes until the three judges came with their clipboard folders and pen, writing and marking information and scores down for the hundreds of students they've already judged. they all wore matching lab coats and goggles sat on the top of their head.

mingyu and wonwoo took five minutes to explain and present their project, hoping their work is good enough to at least make it into the top three for their year. this would be their last annual science far which was a relief to mingyu, not having to deal with anymore shitty partners who would leave everything for him to sort out and do the whole project by himself.

one of the judges thanked them for their presentation and moved onto the last few students who were nervously waiting to be judged.

half an hour passed and the same woman who talked at the start of the fair walked up the stairs onto the stage for all the students to see. "students! after hours of work and time to decide the winners we are finally ready to announce them to you all. it was tough decision since you all worked so hard on them, just by looking around the hall from here now."

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