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wonwoo laid down in his bed, reading his book with his golden-frame glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, pushing them up whenever they slid down too far. he looked up at the clock that was hooked onto the wall close to the window, which read 10:37pm. knowing him, he'll be reading for an hour, not having many breaks in between.

he only sent mingyu home a few minutes ago, struggling with many attempts when waking him up. most of the time, mingyu was whining and being stubborn, not wanting to be disturbed from his beauty sleep. but he soon obeyed wonwoo's orders to wake up and go home.

mingyu wanted to spend the night at wonwoo's but the other simply didn't allow it, maybe because it was school night or something more, mingyu would never know.

an hour later, wonwoo finally put his book down and went downstairs for a small snack before going to he ate the small packet of biscuits from a few days ago, he thought, friday... will i be able to do this in just 4 days?

the motive for his plan was obvious, getting rid of minhyuk for good, but how should he go about executing it? knowing minhyuk, he'd involve some type of criminal activity, probably come to the meeting spot with something harmful like a gun.

even if wonwoo did get his hands on a weapon to defend himself, the chances of him defeating his target with it are quite low. his flimsy, twig arms wouldn't be of much use either. the most damage he would achieve is lightly slapping minhyuk. so what could he do?

he didn't want to dwell on the thought too much, he still had a few days to plan it out. he threw the empty packet into the trash can, and went back upstairs to his bedroom. not going straight to his bed first, but to the open window, his navy curtains flowing up and down from the midnight breeze. he sat down on the window seat, arranged with many dark coloured pillows and a few books stacked to the side, and admired the night sky above.

it was a clear sky that night, wonwoo was able to see almost every star, either scattered out or bunched together into clusters. not many people in this day and age take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature. because everyone is so addicted to technology and just knowing everything, no one has time to just relax and enjoy the wonders of this earth.

wonwoo watched as a shooting star appeared and vanished in the space of a few seconds. he smiled and wondered, which star will i be?

the next day came and as wonwoo left the house, he was greeted by a very sleepy mingyu. "morning hyung." he said, rubbing his eyes, brushing away the morning dust.

"hey gyu, why're you so sleepy? you did sleep, didn't you?" wonwoo asked, adjusting the bag strap on his shoulder.

"i mean, yeah, when i was at your place."

"did you not sleep when you got home?"

"nope, studied all night for the biology test that we have today." mingyu started to lightly slap his face, trying to make himself stay awake for the rest of the day.

"wait. we're having a biology test?!" wonwoo exclaimed. he tried to think back to when his teacher might've mentioned it. then he remembered, it was on that day... (refers to end of chapter five and start of chapter six)

"did you not know?" wonwoo shook his head, "wow, out of all people, i expected you to know." mingyu chuckled and looked both ways, before crossing the street to the nearby cafe. wonwoo followed behind him, seeing as there was so much time before school started.

they chose one of the tables sat close to window, wonwoo sat down and mingyu said, "since you were SO nice to me yesterday in letting me sleep at your house, i'll treat you." he smiled as he pulled out his wallet from his back pocket.

"really?" wonwoo perked up, "you don't have to, but i can never refuse free food. i'll just have what your having. wait, what are you having?"

"an americano," mingyu replied. wonwoo's lips morphed into a small pout. mingyu laughed and found it cute, "too bitter for you?" he asked wonwoo. (let's pretend wonwoo doesnt like coffee)

wonwoo laughed and covered his face, embarrassed, "hahaha, yeah."

"well what do you really want?" mingyu asked.

wonwoo pouted again and in a small voice, he said, "iced chocolate with extra whipped cream, please."
mingyu doubled over from laughing. wonwoo looked like an adorable baby who's cheeks he would want squish for hours.

"gotcha," mingyu said as recovered from his laughing fit, stood up and left for the counter. god, can he get anymore adorable.

mingyu came back with two drinks in hand and placed them on the table. he slid his bag off his shoulder and sat down opposite from wonwoo.

wonwoo happily drank his drink as mingyu watched him do so. he found it adorable when wonwoo got a bit on whipped cream on his upper lip. "wonwoo, you have a bit of uh- you know what, i'll just get it."

mingyu leaned over and brushed his thumb over the affected area, a part of him felt a bit tingly and mushy inside. wonwoo quietly thanked mingyu and continued to have sips of his drink.

they spent at least 10 minutes in the café before they decided to leave.

snap! a phone went, taking multiple pictures of the couple. the owner of the phone smirked, looking at the blackmail she just obtained. the two looked so happy in the pictures, looked so in love.

perfect. she thought.
"everyone is gonna love this."

"so will minhyuk."

a/n: i aM so SoRRY for not updating sooner, in the future i'll try to get chapters out a bit faster but also without rushing the content and making sure it's good :(( i love you all, and thank you for reading 💗

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