thank you !!

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hello !! did you enjoy social? i hope you did because i enjoyed writing it!

i honestly have no idea what to say other than thank you!! all of you who have read this book mean so much to me and this is my first book to finally be completed with over 60,000 words !!!

no words can describe as to how thankful i am to all of you who read because at first i just thought of this book as like a side hobby and something to destress. now it's something i want to continue doing and make books that everyone can enjoy.

of course there are some things i would like to change so the story will have a better flow but i think i would like to keep it the way it is so i can look back in it and see how much i've grown and improved as a writer.

i'm not sure if i'll have an epilogue but i am sure that i'll have at least a bonus chapter for soonhoon because i can't end a book with my babies separated, so stick around for that. feel free to leave any suggestions of bonus chapters you would like me to write.

the ending of this book is alright, i just feel like there was something i could've added to make it better but i'm fine with how it came out. i left it as an open ending since i didn't know how to end it. if i feel like it, i'll add bonus chapters of meanie's future.

again i want to just thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments on this story because it means the world to me that people enjoy my writing. <33


— your author, leanne

social | meanieWhere stories live. Discover now