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they quietly made their way to their allocated seats mingyu had booked for them, waiting for the movie to start as the ads played.

wonwoo had already gone through three quarters of his popcorn and mingyu noticed this. wonwoo must've been hungry. he asked the other, "want me to get you a refill before the movie starts?"

"no it's okay, i can go get it." wonwoo stood up from his seat and down the stairs back to the snack bar.

it's not a date wonwoo, why are you so nervous. it's just mingyu. you've hung out with him a ton of times. how is this any different. these were the types of thoughts that were continuously spinning around in wonwoo's head.

he had no idea what to do. did he like mingyu as a friend or something more? he shook the thought off and thanked the worker behind the counter and received his refill of popcorn.

wonwoo sat back down in his seat next to mingyu who was watching the start of the movie.

as they watched the movie, mingyu constantly got frightened because of the sudden jump scares that happened from time to time. he would hold onto wonwoo's arm tightly and close his eyes, wonwoo smiling at the sight. he's never seen mingyu scared because he always put up an image that you wouldn't expect him to be scared of things.

wonwoo whispered, "if you didn't like horror movies you could've just told me."

"i-it's okay, i'll be fine." mingyu whispered back still holding onto wonwoo's arm. wonwoo felt so warm just from the younger's touch and it was so comfortable that he could stay like that forever in the other's arms.

mingyu squeaked at the sudden jumps are again and put his head onto wonwoo's shoulder, face turned away from the screen. wonwoo chuckled quietly at mingyu's cute actions beside him.

wonwoo held mingyu's hand tightly so that the younger wouldn't feel as scared, some sort of reassurance. mingyu smiled at wonwoo as a silent thank as they continued to watch the movie.

a few hours later, the movie ended and the two walked out of the screen room, still with their hands locked together.

they only noticed their hands still attached after a few minutes and they pulled away awkwardly.
the atmosphere was quiet as they walked to the restaurant. there was a long line that continued outside the doors, but luckily mingyu made a reservation days before.

they were seated at the table near the window, giving them a view of the small boats docked outside by the lake.

"just call us over when you're ready to order." the waiter smiled and walked away, starting to attend to the many other customers who were eager to be seated.

mingyu stared at all the highly priced meals on the menu, deciding which one to order. he glanced at wonwoo slightly from over the top of the menu. their eyes met and both males quickly diverted their gaze somewhere else.

why is this so awkward. the two of them thought.

"so, are you, ready to order?" mingyu said with a small voice crack in between.
"uhm, y-yeah. i am." wonwoo responded. he called one of the waitresses over and told her his order.

after mingyu said his choice of food, the waitress flirted and said, "your order will be ready in 15 minutes, maybe i'll add something special just for you." she winked at mingyu and walked away in the short skirt she was wearing that showed half her ass. is she even allowed to wear that?

mingyu sat their a bit uncomfortable from the sudden flirtatious gesture. he twiddled with his fingers under the table as wonwoo looked at him, admiring the male sat in front of him.

"so," wonwoo said, breaking the awkward silence, "how'd you like the movie?"

"it was okay, i guess. i wasn't scared at all!" mingyu lied. wonwoo raised his eyebrow to the younger. "okay, maybe i was scared but not the point! i enjoyed it. thanks for comforting me earlier by the way. i don't think i would've been able to get through that thing if you hadn't been there." he smiled at the elder and wonwoo smiled back. mingyu continued to talk about random things he disliked and liked about the movie.

wonwoo liked this, when mingyu was talkative. it was so silent and awkward before, mingyu wasn't even saying a word to him. it was the first time wonwoo has ever seen mingyu... shy?

would you call it shy? if he was shy, what was the reason for it?

was it because of wonwoo?

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