thirty three

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"w-what?" wonwoo stuttered.

"come with me to america." minhyuk repeated again, his voice sounding much more demanding than before, causing wonwoo to jump a little bit. wonwoo had a surprised look o his face, his mind not being able to process what minhyuk had just said.

" can't be serious. you're not serious, right?" wonwoo asked, as to which minhyuk responded, "i'm being serious." wonwoo was shocked, and left utterly speechless.

"minhyuk, you know i can't. you know i can't just leave all of this behind because of you. i can't just leave my studies, my friends. i can't just drop everything and just fly off to another country i have no knowledge about." wonwoo said.

"of course you can!" minhyuk yelled, standing up towering over wonwoo. "didn't you want this? you can start over, have a new life."

"that was before. now i have people who actually care for me, people who actually like me for who i am! i wouldn't leave them for anything or anyone else." wonwoo stood up, pushing minhyuk back causing him to stumble and trip over the bean bag behind him, falling to the ground with a thud.

minhyuk groaned, pulling himself to his feet. "i swear if it's about that mingyu guy, I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM!" he shouted, pushing wonwoo against the wall. "can't you see that he's using you wonwoo?!"

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"can't you see mingyu is just using you for his own benefit. he only befriended you because he felt sorry for you, why don't you just dump him already? he's not worth you're time."

"AND NEITHER ARE YOU!" wonwoo broke. his patience for minhyuk were through the roof. "i've fucking had enough of you and what you have to say because all you spit out are lies. you haven't changed, minhyuk. i don't know why i trusted you." minhyuk chuckled lowly, staring at the ground whilst he held wonwoo down. he suddenly pulled out a knife, positioning the blade close to wonwoo's throat. his bloodshot eyes met with wonwoo's, leaving wonwoo terrified.

"you really are stupid, wonwoo. still the same dumb, little boy i fell in love with. to be honest, i don't wan to hurt you, baby: but i will hurt others if you don't do as i say."  minhyuk tightened his grip on wonwoo's arm, making red marks that caused wonwoo to struggle in pain. "i will give you 12 hours. 12 hours to make your decision and i will come to your house at sunrise. if you choose to disobey my orders, mingyu will be the one to suffer; i might take some of your other friends along the way. now, you wouldn't want that to happen to any of them, would you? if you choose to come with me, your friends will be safe but you have cut off all connections with them."

"you're absolutely crazy!" wonwoo growled.

"only crazy for you, baby." minhyuk chuckled, pulling the knife away. "if you choose to tell anybody, your friends will die even if you choose to come with me. i have eyes everywhere and i'm always watching you." he let go of his grip from wonwoo, giving wonwoo access to start running to the elevator, desperately pressing the button to go to the upper floor. as the door closed, he saw minhyuk waving and say, "tick tock, baby. you don't have much time." a smirk formed on his face as the elevator started rising to the first floor.

once the elevator doors opened, wonwoo ran straight out the house onto the streets, past the neighbours walking home. wonwoo came to a stop to catch his breath, his hands on his lap, bent down.

wonwoo thought back to what minhyuk said, and he already knew what his answer would be; of course his answer will be no. but he had to think of a way to prevent minhyuk from escaping, prevent him from hurting his friends. he needed to protect them like how they've protected him. he needs to be the one to save them.

the rest of the way home, wonwoo thought of ways he could stop minhyuk, for real, creating a plan in his head. when he reached his doorstep, he found taiyo sleeping by the door. he smiled and petted his head as the calico cat continued his slumber. wonwoo took the keys out of the pocket of his school trousers, the small gold keychains clashing against each other as he opened the door with a creak. once the door was fully opened, he saw the living room light still open. he walked into the room, seeing mingyu asleep on the couch in his uniform still, the tie loosely hanging from his neck and his blazer crumpled on the carpet floor.

wonwoo chuckled at the younger's funny pose, his body slumped on the couch with his mouth hanging open. he went over to the couch, closing mingyu's mouth and taking the empty sprite can from his hand and placing it on the table to the side of him. wonwoo noticed the bandages around mingyu's arm, a little bit of blood seeping through the white cloth.

he was glad mingyu was alright, but he felt so guilty every time he thinks about it. he hates that mingyu was getting injured because of wonwoo and he wanted that to stop. he knew mingyu was just looking out for the elder but knowing that mingyu would even put his life on the line for the boy, just made wonwoo feel guilty.

wonwoo stepped into his bedroom, grabbing an extra blanket from one of the wooden drawers, taking it back into the living room where mingyu was still fast asleep. unfolding the blanket, he laid it across mingyu's tall figure, his covered feet hanging out a bit. once the blanket covered mingyu fully, wonwoo bent down next to him, staring at mingyu's sun kissed skin face.

you don't have to worry anymore, mingyu. you don't need to fight for me. this time, i'll be the one to protect you. i'll be the one to keep you safe.

with that thought, wonwoo leaned over, placing a kiss on mingyu's forehead.

hehehehhehhehe what did i just write hehheheheh

KINDA IMPORTANT SO PLEASE READ IF YOUD LIKE: also i had this idea for a seventeen au that i really like and its kinda like a horror/mystery au, i was thinking of making it interactive so i would put polls on chapters (i give two options and you comment on the one you'd like to vote for) which decides where the storyline would go, mEANING YALL HAVE TO PICK CORRECTLY BC THE BOY's FATE IS IN YOUR HANDS.

let me know if you'd like that idea and you'd actually join in with the voting or i just do the au without it being interactive. this is how the polls would be laid out:





then you'd just comment on the one you want. (also you can vote on that if you want bc i'm still not sure which one i want to do after this)

well done if you made it this far! thank you for reading !

edit note: the seventeen au that's interactive may not be focused on ships and stuff but i have another seventeen au prepared that does have ships/otps. just wanted to point that out so if i do post the interactive seventeen au, i may not put as many otp scenes but some will be mentioned here and there. thank you!

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