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The scene opens up as a car is driving through a small neighborhood. It stops in front of a house and pulls into the driveway. An android steps out of the drivers seat, and opens the trunk, picking up a box of groceries and carrying them to the house. This android is different then the other ones.

He had brown hair that had a lock hanging out on his forehead, brown eyes tan skin, a black jacket, black pants and shoes, the blue band on his right bicep, the CyberLife logo on the front and back, but his model and serial numbers weren't shown. However, they were:

RK800 #313 248 317

The android walked inside the house, where he was greeted by a large Saint Bernard. After setting down the groceries and putting them away, he knelt down to pet the dog.

???: hello, Sumo. It's good to see you again. Let's give you your food, then I'll see your owner.

Sumo gave one more lick to the android's hand, and walked over to his dog dish for his breakfast. The android fixes breakfast for his master and Sumo, and went to go wake him up. He opens the door and finds a man with long gray hair and a beard sleeping in bed. The android walks over to the curtain and opens it, revealing the bright sun.

???: Good morning, Hank.

Hank: (grumble) good morning.

???: It's 10 AM. The weather is partly cloudy, fifty-four degrees, 80% humidity with a strong possibility of afternoon showers.

Hank: I didn't need a full report, Connor. (Gets out of bed and notices a tear in Connor's shirt) hey, what happened to you?

Connor: oh it's nothing, just some demonstrators in the street, Hank.

Hank: fucking morons. They think they can rough up a few androids and stop progress. They didn't hurt you too bad, did they? If they did-

Connor: no. All my systems are functioning properly. (Changing the subject) Your breakfast is ready in the kitchen.

Hanks: thanks, Con.

Connor went to the living room where he found Sumo lying down at his dog bed while Hank went to the restroom. He returns later and meets Connor in the kitchen.

Hank: So, what's the schedule today?

Connor: there's a Detroit Gears game this afternoon.

Hank: right. We'll go to that. (Changing the subject) Anybody try to call me this morning?

Connor: a few messages from Jimmy and Gary. They said they'll meet you at the game.

Hank: any word from Joesph?

Connor: no. I can call him if you like-

Hank: no. No, don't bother. (Deciding to have Connor do something instead of standing still) why don't you find something to do while I finish my breakfast.

Connor: ok.

Connor then went over to this keyboard that was near Hank's collection of Jazz albums. He head gotten it years ago for his son, Cole, as a birthday gift. After he died though, Hank wanted to get rid of it. On the day he was going to give it away, however, he heard Connor play it. For some reason, when Hank heard him play it the first time, it was unlike anything he had ever heard of. (When Cole died and Hank officially retired from the police force, he received an android from Elijah Kamski himself. The first week with Connor was a bit rough, due to Hank's hatred for androids. But after hearing Connor play the keyboard, he started to notice that there maybe more to Connor than meets the eye)

Connor decide to play an intimate song.

Hank finished his breakfast and walk over to Connor. The android finished playing the music and noticed how Hank was looking at him.

Hank: something's changed in the way you play. Sometimes I feel like you have more humanity than most humans. (Changing to a more serious subject) One day I won't be here to take care of you. You'll have to protect yourself. Decide who you are, and want to become. This world doesn't like those who are different, Connor. Don't let anybody tell you who to be. (Decided to go for a walk) Let take Sumo for a walk.

Sumo was all excited for that. Later, after getting dressed and getting the dog's leash, the android and his master were walking the Saint Barnard to the park. It was a nice park. It had a playground with swings, a merry go round, monkey bars, and a seesaw. It had a view of the bridge that lead outside of Detroit.

Hank: nice view, huh? I use to come here a lot with... with Cole.

The man rarely spoke about his son, but Connor could tell that he always felt sad about the memory. The android decided to look at the view.

Connor: yes, there's something about this place. Something I can't describe... I guess I like it.

Hank: the truth is, there's nothing really to say anymore. Each day always brings me closer to the end. I've known that since I join the DPD years ago. Now, I'm just an old man waiting for it to happen.

Connor: Hank...

Connor couldn't explain it, but every time Hank talked about the day he'll die, it brings... sadness, to the android, and always causes his LED to flash red for a brief moment.

Hank: but enough about me (Turns to face him) Let's play with Sumo. (Hands Connor a hand ball)

Connor: ok. Sumo, sit. (Sumo sat patiently) go fetch! (Throws the ball, not too far, but enough to get Sumo running for it)

As Connor played with the dog, Hank couldn't help but smile at the android. The way he played with Sumo, it made look more, human.

Sadly though, this moment didn't last. A strange man was walking towards them. He wore a brown coat, had hair around his head except for the top, jeans and a purple shirt.

???: hey, Hank.

Hank: Joseph. What brings you here?

Joseph: oh, you know. Was just in the neighborhood, thought I'd drop by.(stumbles a little)

Connor and Hank looked at him suspiciously. Something was off about him, and Hank had a feeling what it is.

Hank: you alright? You look like shit.

Joseph: oh yeah. I'm good. Hey, listen, I need to borrow some cash.

Hank: (eyebrow raised) again? You still owe me from last week.

Joseph: I know, I know. But, you know, gotta pay some other people.

Hank: you're on it again, aren't you?

Joseph: (offended) what? Of course not.

Hank: don't pull that bullshit with me-

Joseph (frustrated) what's the big deal!? I just need some... cash. That's all!

Hank looked disappointed.
Hank: sorry. But the answers no.

Joseph looks shocked. But that quickly turns to disappoint as he looks angrily at Connor.

Joseph: oh I get it. You'd rather take care of your plastic toy here than your own pal, eh? (Gets in Connor's face) But you know what? This thing is not human. It's a fucking machine! (Pushes Connor, but he quickly regains his balance)

Hank: that's enough, Joe! (Steps in between him and Connor. Sumo growls at Joe) Enough!

Joseph finally backs off, and turns to leave. Before he does, he warns Hank that this isn't over. After he leaves, Connor's LED went from red to yellow. He didn't tell Hank, but something inside almost made him want to push Joseph back. He didn't know why, but for some reason, he didn't like being pushed. His LED returned to a calm blue, but that feeling still remained inside him.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now