Teasrer for next story...

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Our scene starts off in a futuristic city while it's snowing. On the road, a figure stood still in the middle of the road. They wore a black and silver armor with electric blue outlines, a helmet with blue lightning bolts on the sides, a teal visor, gauntlets with clock gear symbols on his arms, and was holding a strange black and teal sword in his right hand.

The warrior reach into his pocket and pulled out a pocket watch. It said it was 5:00, but it wasn't working properly. He then heard footsteps and saw strange monsters in gray were walking towards him. Soon, he was surrounded, but remained calm and pocketed the watch. The warrior then started to generate blue electricity all over his body. Then, in a blink of an eye, he attacks at super human speed in blue lightning.

As he fought, visions were shown to the rest of the audience.

(A girl with purple hair along with a girl with blue hair, a boy in a sleeveless jacket and bandanna, a boy with white hair, and a boy with brown hair and a crown.)

The boy left a trail of blue lightning across as he quickly fought the monsters. But, more and more appeared to destroy him.

(A girl in an orange jumpsuit and a strange device on her chest and goggles)

The warrior kept running until he arrived at a clock tower, where he notices another human is in the area.

(A swordsman in black, along with a swordswoman in white)

At the top of the clock tower, another warrior was at the top. His armor was the same as the other one, but his was black, silver, and red, and his sword was the same but red with a black goat's head. His visor was black, but his eyes were glowing red and his body was constantly vibrating.

(A android in a gray suit, another with blond hair and a blue jacket, and an African American skinned one with a tan trench coat)

The blue warrior then sprinted up the tower, and the red warrior started to generate red electricity and ran at super speed in red lighting. Both speedsters clashed blades and began racing and fighting though out the city.

(An army of robots, led by a blue and red one)

The blue speedster used a series of magic attacks, such as fire, ice, and air. But, the red one dodged them, and retaliated with blasts of purple fire. When collided, an explosion came, and the race resumed, until the red speedster suddenly split in two, and they assaulted the blue warrior.

(People in robes, holding different color blades at were powerful enough to cut though everything)

The fight was tough, but it resulted the the blue speedster unleashing a thunder attack that pushed both reds away. Unfortunately, this resulted in their armors getting damaged. They stop running, and just clashed their blasted at impossible speeds.

(A crew of space pirates)

As they fought, the monsters started storming to them, and the red warrior punched the blue one right in the face. It was enough force to crack the helmet and his sword disappeared. Blue related and delivered a powered side kick in the jaw. Both blades vanished and they engaged in fists and kicks.

(A warrior princess from an ancient civilization long forgotten)

Soon, the red speedster pushed the boy back far enough and suddenly grabbed someone and held them hostage. The blue warrior saw this and was about to run and help them, but the gray monsters suddenly became like a storm and grabbed the blue speedster. They carried him through the city and caused more damage to his armor and bleeding into patches of broken armor.

(Superheroes consisting of a soldier, a spy, an armored man, a god, an archer, and a green giant)

The gray monsters threw the boy into several buildings and resulted in the boy's helmet breaking a piece of the face plate off, reveling a brown eye. Meanwhile, the red warrior let the hostage go, ran to the top of a building, re-summoned his blade, pointed it up to the sky and shot a beam out of the tip. The beam reached a keyhole in the sky, causing it to suddenly crack open and create a dark vortex, sucking up the city into it.

(Finally, a boy with brown spiked hair, along with a few other friends. A few were around his age, a few were older, and three others were a mouse, a duck, and a dog)

The blue speedster sat up from the crater, ripped his helmet off (revealing his gray right eye, and short dark brown hair) summons his sword again, and runs up the debris to stop the vortex. As blue lighting zooms up to the sky, a countdown begins to show.













By the time it reaches one, the boy makes it to the vortex... but it quickly goes to black.

Soon, the scene changes to the blue speedster on top of the clock tower, looking out over the city. He soon pull out the watch from his pocket, and he faces the audience and gives a small smile.

Warrior: my name's Arcturus... this, is my story.


Author's note: yes, the next story will be Kingdom Hearts.
I've been want to do something like this for some time now, and I finally got around to do it.
Arcturus is our main character, and his adventure will be a little different from other KH games.
The visions are a few snippets of the worlds he will go to. I might change one or two, but he'll be going to some crazy places and meeting interesting people.
Red speedster's name will be revealed in the story.
This will take a while, but I'm looking forward to it.

And don't worry, DETROIT: Become Human will return.

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