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The scene opens up in downtown Detroit. A bus is pulling up to a stop. The vehicle was empty, except for Markus and Simon. A maintenance worker entered the bus to inform the duo they have to leave.

Worker: alright, end of the line.

Markus: end of the line?

Worker: Yeah, I have to return this back to the station.

Markus wakes Simon up, and the two walk out of the bus. It closes its doors and leaves town. The boy and the android walked around for a little to find shelter. Simon sits down on a bench and crosses his arms, shivering. Markus took notice of this.

Markus: Simon, you're freezing.

Simon: (tries to reassure) I'm ok. I'm not that cold.

???: you look lost.

Markus turns to see a garbage truck android standing in front of them.

Markus: we need to find shelter.

Android: I know someone who can help you. (Offers hand for connection. Markus grabs the hand, deactivating the synthetic skin. The LED's blink yellow and Markus receives the information.)

Markus: but that's on the other side of town. We need a place for tonight-(the android disappears, and the garbage truck pulls away.)

Markus grabs Simon's hand and the two continue to search the area for a place for tonight.

Simon: are you ok, Markus?

Markus' right eye was damaged and he still needed a replacement. Luckily, his scanning systems still worked.

Markus: well, I'm short of an eye, but I can still scan the area.

His systems found a laundry place, a 24 hour open store, a hotel, an abandoned car, and an abandoned house. The laundry place and the hotel could offer help, but they could also give away there position. The store would also catch them on a security camera, and that would give them away. The car would be discreet, but it would be cold, and Simon needs to get warm. With one option left, they head to the house. It's surrounded by a wired fence, and didn't have holes in it. Luckily, Markus found wire cutters on a tool shed nearby the car. He cuts a hole, and opens it enough for Simon to crawl through.

Simon: I don't like this place, Markus.

Markus: I know, but it's only for one night, ok. Let's look for a way in.

The two searched around the house for an entrance. Markus is looking until he couldn't see Simon. He goes to the side of the house, only to find Simon being threatened by an android. It was like the one from earlier, but he wore a poncho, held a knife, and had cut marks on the right side of his face.

Markus: (steps in between the android and Simon) what are you doing?

???: visitors. Ralph doesn't like visitors! They're nasty! They may hurt Ralph!

Markus: (deactivates synthetic skin from hand) look, I'm an android too. (Gestures to Simon) and he's just a kid, we aren't going to hurt you. We just need a place to stay tonight.

Ralph: visitors are dangerous. Look... (Shows his face) what they did to Ralph.

Markus: (reactivates skin) I'm sorry for what happened to you, I truly am. But you have nothing to worry about. We aren't gonna do you any harm. You have my word.

Ralph thinks about it for a moment, and finally give his answer.

Ralph: you must excuse Ralph. Ralph still finds it difficult to control himself... Sometimes his fear makes him do things he regrets. Ralph has seen some hard times... (Places hand on his scratched face) He's just so scared the humans will get him again... (removes hand) You can stay if you want... Ralph won't hurt you.
Markus: Okay. We'll just stay the night, then we'll be gone in the morning.

This brings a smile to Ralph. He leads the two inside the house. Ralph mentions that he's lived here since he ran away, and that he hasn't left since. Even pointed out that humans would come to squat there from time to time, but he would hide until they left. They enter the house.

Ralph: you can make yourself at home here. Ralph is gonna go into the other room... He would like to stay with you... But he has things to do. (Leaves to the room)

Markus: (notices Simon is still nervous, so he comforts him) It's only for one night, Simon. We'll find a better place tomorrow... Right... Let's see where you can sleep... (Places hand on the boy's back) Sit down, and I'll get a fire going.

Markus gathers some soft, comfy stuff and makes a make-shift bed for Simon. Then, he starts looking for some burn able items to put in a fire pit. Markus walks to the bathroom, where he finds Ralph scratching the words 'RA9' and 'I AM ALIVE' in blue blood on the wall. Markus decides to ask him about it.

Markus: rA9... what does that mean? (Ralph stops what he's doing and turns to Markus)

Ralph: what?

Markus: those symbols... why are you writing them?

Ralph: I don't know... (Looks startled with himself) I don't know... (resumes writing)

Markus started to feel concern for Ralph, but thought to would be best to leave him to his own devices. He returns to his task and places the wood in the fire place. Markus lights a match from a package he found, places it in the wood, and a fire is going. Simon sits down and holds his hands up to get them warm.

Markus: it's not much, but at least you'll be warm.

Simon: why didn't he love me? Why was he always so upset with me? All I wanted was a life like other boys, you know? Like, playing catch, or going on fun field trips. But, after mom died, everything changed.

Markus: (hesitate at first but asks) what happened to her? Leo said she died. Do you know what happed?

Simon: I wasn't there, but one day, a police officer came and told us mom was at the grocery store, and a man came in trying to rob it. She was shot, and died on the way to the hospital. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe I did something wrong. (Voice starting to break) That's why Dad was always so angry at me.

The boy had tears in his eyes. Markus didn't know what compelled him to do it, but he places a hand on his shoulder. Simon looks up to him.

Simon: (sad voice) why did why couldn't we just be happy, Markus?

Markus: I don't know, Simon.

Simon: you'll never leave me, right? Promise you'll never leave.

Markus was conflicted. He knew that world was going to be more dangerous, and there may come a point where he won't be there. But seeing the sad child's face, was enough to make the android reassure the boy.

Markus: I promise.

Simon: we'll be together forever?

Markus: forever.

Simon then wraps his arms around Markus' waist. Markus was a bit surprised of this at first, but then reciprocates the hug. They let go, and Markus tucks Simon to his bed by the fire so he'll be warm. Markus then remembered he has something for Simon. He reaches behind and pulls out Simon's teddy bear. Markus grabbed it before they left, and almost forgot he had it.

Markus: (offers the toy) here. I grabbed this before we left.

Simon: (accepts the toy) thanks.

Markus: sweet dreams, Simon. Tomorrow, it'll be better.

The android doesn't know what the future has in store, but one thing's for sure; he'll be with Simon every step of the way.

Author's note: Now we've been introduced to Ralph. I haven't decided yet, but do you guys think he should go to Jericho or just remain in the house?
Also, about Simon's mom; it was a little tricky trying to come up with a backstory for her. I wanted to make something to explain why the mother's not in the picture, without having the whole android child thing.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now