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The scene picks up in the morning. Connor is talking with Jack while the two were walking outside of Jericho. After getting settled down, Jack received new clothes and removed his LED. Now he's wearing a gray and black sweat shirt, black jeans, red converse shoes, and brown flap cap. He even changed his hair color (readers have these options);

Dark Brown
Mint Green
Yellow Green
Emerald Green

Connor: are you feeling better now that you're at Jericho?

Jack: I guess. Some of them are a little nervous around me. But, Chloe's nice to me. (Looks at Connor) do you like her?

Connor was a bit taken back by the question, but decided to be sincere to the boy.

Connor: (blushing a bit) well, she's really pretty.

The pair continue walking until Connor stopped and was looking at the Standford Tower.

Jack: what are you thinking?

Connor: (still looking at the building) I'm thinking it's time humans knew about us.

After returning to Jericho, Connor explains his plan to Chloe, Jerry, and Luther. The plan was to infiltrate the tower, specifically, the recording room, broadcast a message to humanity, and escape the tower before they get caught. Jack wanted to come, but Connor convinced him not to go. Luckily, Echo (she and Ripple arrived after the club) offered to watch him until the group came back.

Now, Connor is walking in the building in a black suit. After scanning the desk, he trick the human to leave the desk so he would have a better time getting in. The android converts the secretary android and she helps him inside.

The elevator takes him up to the upper floor. Connor then locates a bathroom, enters one of the stalls, and opens a vent in the celling. He then comes out of the stalk in an android station worker outfit. He leaves the restroom and makes his way to one of the exits. When no one was looking, he opens the door and Chloe (who was wearing a worker suit as well) enters while pushing a cart. Connor then converts a station android to help them gain access to the mainframe office.

Once inside, Chloe opens the cart and pulls out a duffel bag.

Chloe: is the door locked, Connor?

Connor: yes. You got the laser torch?

Chloe: (handing it to him) here. You know what to do.

The RK800 nods and cuts a perfect circle at the window and a lift comes by to pull them up. The two androids then fired grappling hooks to the roof of the building, made like Mission Impossible and began to climb up the building. When they arrived to their floor and Connor used the laser to cut the glass and with a little pressure, push it out of the way and the androids landed inside the building.

Chloe then opened a door that showed Luther and Jerry enter inside as well.

Luther: you ready for this, Connor?

Connor: yes. The only thing left to do is to get past the humans outside the room.

Connor went ahead to the humans at the desk. He pulls out a gun and uses it to knock the guards unconscious. The group then hacks the panel and starts threatening everyone to surrender. Two men tried to pull their guns, but Connor uses his RK systems to quickly disarm them and knock them out. Jerry and Chloe gestured two android's there to leave the room while Luther grabbed the men and dragged them off. However, two of them were trying to escape.

Jerry: shoot them!

Luther: no! We can't show violence!

Connor listened to Luther and let the men leave. Chloe then locks the room and head to the control station.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now