Chapter 10: THE NEST

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The scene begins at downtown Detroit. A car is pulling into a stop across a food truck called 'Chicken Feed'. The driver's door opens up, revealing Alice getting out to meet up with the owner. In the passenger's side, Kara decides to reconnect with Alice. She exits the car, and finds Alice talking to the owner of the truck.

Gary: even, Alice. How have you been?

Alice: same old, same old. How has business been for you?

Gary: same old, same old. Usual today?

Alice: you got it.

Kara walks up right next to Alice. The woman looked at her, and had a slight look of exhaustion.

Alice: you know, you don't need to follow me everywhere I go.

Kara: I wanted to apologize to you for my behavior back at the police station. I didn't mean to be unpleasant.

Alice: (eyebrow raised) you still holding up about that? (Soft smile) you gotta learn to let stuff like that go.

Gary then finished up making food for Alice. After she paid, she walks to a nearby table and Kara follows behind. While Alice eats, Kara decides to ask a few questions and give some information.

Kara: do you eat here often?

Alice: most days. Gary makes the best burgers in Detroit.

Kara: well, I don't mean to inform you, but I think your friend has been participating in illegal activities.

Alice: well, we all gotta get by some way. As long no one gets hurt, I don't bother them.

Kara doesn't understand the response, but she doesn't push it. Instead, she changes the subject.

Kara: why didn't you want me to go after the deviant on the highway?

Alice: because you could've been killed. Aren't you worried about that?

Kara: not entirely. CyberLife has it where in the event I am destroyed, they will transfer my memory into another unit. And then said unit will continue the case.

Alice: (mouth slightly open) So, they transfer your memory, and you come back as if nothing happens? Aren't you a little bit weirded out about that?

Kara: well, there is one flaw; some of the memories can be lost during the transfer. And I would certainly find it...regrettable if something was lost.


Alice: well, let's make sure you don't get killed. I don't want you dying on me.

Kara: thank you, Lieutenant. I appreciate your concern. (Beat) Is there anything else you want to know about me?

Alice: well, why did they give that face, hairstyle and voice?

Kara: CyberLife builds its androids based off of real life people. Both my face and voice were specifically chosen to help with my human integration.

Alice: I see...

Kara stills sees that Alice still isn't entirely well around her. So, the android decides to ask her about it.

Kara: can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?

Alice: depends. What is it?

Kara: why don't you like me?

Alice: (lying) it's not that I don't like you, it's just, I still don't get why me out of the rest of the station had to be working on something as big as this.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now