Markus's Epilogue: THE PAINTER

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Timeline: a few months after the main story.

The scene opens at a mansion in Canada. A bus was pulling up to a stop, and the doors opened and Simon walked off while carrying a backpack. After making across the boarder, the group laid low at Carl's house until things calmed down. Simon got enrolled at school, North got a job as a dance teacher at the local dance studio, at Markus became Carl's personal assistant. Simon walked right up to the front door and entered the mansion.

System in the house: alarm deactivated. Welcome home, Simon.

The boy smiled and entered the house. He walks upstairs and sets his backpack down before opening it up a pulling out a book. The boy then heads back downstairs to find North waiting for him in the living room. The room itself is large. It has a large stuffed giraffe, a piano, a chess board with a clock for speed games, a dinning table and a bunch of couches and bookshelves.

North's currently playing a hopeful tune on the piano.

When she stops playing, she notices Simon coming over to her to give her a hug.

Simon: (smiles and hug her) North!

North: (smiles and hugs back) Simon! Did you had a good day?

Simon: (nods and let's go) Yeah! I finished my homework early, and I got to pick out a new book.

North: nice. Markus messaged me that he and Carl should be home any second.

After she said that, the door opens to find Carl and Markus entering from a day meeting with an art curator about an opening of an art gallery next month.

Carl: that man has to be one of the most dull people I've ever met. Every time I meet one of those men, I just think 'what the hell am I doing here?'

Markus: well, it's a good opportunity to meet with people who admire your work.

Carl: Yeah, yeah, most people don't give a dame about art. All they really care about is how much money they're gonna make from it.

The pair then noticed North and Simon. Carl sees that Simon picked out a new book and decided to ask him about it.

Carl: what'd you get this time?

Simon: (holds it up to show them) Plato's Republic.

Carl: what do you think so far?

Simon: I like the philosophy about it. It asks the questions that I can't answer. Like, what's right and what's wrong. It's not something that's so easy to decide.

Markus: (smirks a bit) isn't that a little above your level?

Simon: (smiles) but that's what makes reading more fun.

During their time in Canada, Markus learned that Simon has a knack for reading. What's very impressive, however, was that the boy always enjoyed reading books that were above the level for a chid his age.

Carl: don't worry about it Markus. Simon's always had that talent. He gets it from his mother. (Simon looks a little sad. Carl places a hand on his shoulder for comfort) I miss her too, kiddo. But (points to Simon's heart) She's always with you.

Simon smiled at his grandpa's wisdom. Markus and Carl then decide to have a game of speed chess. The goes by fairly quickly until they finally came to a conclusions the game.

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