Chapter 17: THE BRIDGE

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The scene picks up some time later after the incident at the Eden Club. After the homicide, Alice drove down to a park. (the same one Connor and Hank went to a few days ago) She's now sitting down on one of the beaches, drinking a bottle of Root Beer, and looking out at the city. Kara is sitting in the car while 'In The End by Linkin Park' is playing through the Bluetooth. Kara begins to grow concern for Alice, and decides turn off the music, exit the car, and walk over to see what the lieutenant was thinking.

Alice: (not looking at Kara) nice view, isn't it? I use to come here a lot before...

She stopped her sentence and continues drinking her soda. Kara decided to ask her something.

Kara: can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?

Alice: (turns to her) depends. What's on your mind?

Kara: (choosing her next words carefully) I saw that there were scar marks on your back. (Alice turns to look at the ground) Were you...abused as a child?

Alice: (sigh) let's just say it's something I don't like or want to talk about.

Kara: (looking at the bridge) before what?

Alice: hmm?

Kara: you said, I use to come here a lot before. Before what?

Alice: before... before nothing.

The tone of her voice was enough to tell Kara that it must of been before Alice's mother died. Not wanting to upset her any further, the android changed the subject while walking ahead of the woman.

Kara: we're not making any progress in this investigation. The deviants have nothing in common. They all come from different places, they're all different models, and were produced at different times.

Alice: well, there's some connection with them.

Kara: (pause to think about it) They all seem to have this obsession with rA9. Almost as if it was something in there programming was completely replaced. Something that became... a myth to them.

Alice: android's have a god now. We'll, I've officially seen everything.

Kara: you seem preoccupied, Lieutenant. Does it have something to do with what happened back at the Eden Club?

Alice: (pause) those two girls, Echo and Ripple. They just wanted to be together. They really seemed... in love. And, the crazy thing is, is that I've never seen androids falling in love with each other before.

Kara: you seem troubled, Lieutenant. I didn't think machines would have such an effect on you.

Alice: (takes a sip of her soda. Puts bottle down and decides to test something) can I ask YOU a personal question, Kara?

Kara: of course. What do you want to know?

Alice: (stands up and walks over) you look human, you sound human. But what are you really?

The area around the pair darkens and Kara starts showing a green hue. Alice has now a sky blue hue as she waits for Kara to respond.

Kara: (has an answer after thinking) I'm whatever you want me to be, Lieutenant. Your partner, your reading buddy, or just a machine designed to accomplish a task.

Alice: you could've shot those girls, but you didn't. Why didn't you shoot, Kara? Some glitch entered your systems or something?


Kara: no! I just decided not to shoot. That's all.

Truth was, the android doesn't know why. It was almost as if something inside her told her not to do it. Next thing she knew though, Alice pulled a gun out and was aiming it directly at Kara's head.

Alice: but are you afraid to die, Kara?


Kara: As I mentioned it before, I would certainly find it regrettable to be... interrupted, before I could complete this investigation.

Alice: if you didn't have your extra models, what would happen if I pulled this trigger? Nothing? Oblivion? Android heaven?

Kara thought about. It's true that she still had her extra models. But... what if that wasn't the case? What would happen to the humans? To the androids who weren't going crazy? To... Alice.

Kara: nothing... There would be nothing but... despair.

Alice: despair?

Kara: that I failed the humans. That I failed the mission. But, more importantly... that I failed you.

The RK400 didn't know where that last part came from, but it was important to her that she doesn't fail Alice. The green and sky blue hues faded and everything around them returned too normal. Alice's arm went limb as she tucked her gun back in her holster. She turned around and walked back to the bench to grab her bag.

Kara: where are you going?

Alice: home. I need to get some sleep. (Turns to face her) you coming or what?

Kara blinked a few times until she agreed and followed the lieutenant back to the car. Though, if Kara thought that tonight was crazy with deviancy, she'll get a surprise tomorrow.

Author's note: Sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter than some others. There wasn't a whole lot that happened in this and the game itself.
Kara's showing more and more signs of deviancy. And, she learns a little bit more on Alice's past.
I decided to have Alice have soda instead of alcohol because, let's just say that see doesn't want to end up like her father.
The sky blue color change is something I'm adding in when the main characters are in some of those intense thinking moments. So, for clarification:

Sky blue: ally

Red: enemy

Next chapter: Connor sends a message to humanity

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