Chapter 14: SPARE PARTS

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The scene shows Detroit harbor at nightfall while raining. In the cargo crate area, Connor, Chloe, Luther and Jerry arrive while carrying backpacks. Their mission was clear; sneak to the warehouses, collect enough supplies, and escape without anyone noticing.

Luther: This is crazy... If they catch us, we're dead.

Jerry: what do we do now?

Connor: we need to find the CyberLife warehouse. That's where they keep the spare parts and the blue blood.

Chloe: follow me!

The group then made their way through the area. It wasn't easy, but after many twists and turns, they came across the warehouse. But, they weren't out of the woods yet; a security drone was in the area.

Jerry: CyberLife warehouses...They have everything we're looking for.

Chloe: first, we gotta take out that drone.

Connor: leave it to me.

Connor then began to use his RK systems to precontruct the best scenario to take out the drone. One he found it, the android jumped done and disable the drone.

Jerry: you ok?

Connor: Yeah... Yeah I'm fine.

Chloe: good job, Connor...

Luther: Quick, open the other creates and fill your bags. Take as much as you can!

The group then began opening creates and grabbing as many items as there backpacks could carry. However, Connor noticed something, or rather, someone. A GJ500 android.

GJ500: you're trespassing on private property. Your presence constitutes a Level 2 infraction. I will notify security.

???: John! Goddamn machine, where is it this time?

As John turned around, Connor took that as an opportunity to grab the android and hide. While holding it, Connor deactivates his synthetic skin on his hand and converts John.

Connor: (wireless) [I need your help]

The Human came by and began searching for John. Connor needed to act fast. He could run, but that would do no one any good. He didn't know if hiding would help, and didn't want any human casualties. So, he let John go, and too the other's surprise, prevented the human from finding them.

Worker: (sees John) there you are. Where the hell have you been?

John: (walking towards him) I was inspecting the platform. Everything is in order.

Worker: good. I'm going back to the control station. I'm soaked. Take the drone to maintenance and make a report.

John: understood.

The man left and the others resumed their work. Connor then noticed a larger crate. After  unlocking the door, he finds three AP700 androids, waiting to be delivered to a CyberLife store.

Connor: why aren't you like us? Don't you want to be free? (An idea pops in his head) You could join us.

Connor then begins to convert the androids. Unbeknownst to him, the irises in his eyes were glowing blue. After converting them, he notices Chloe looking at him curiously.

Connor: (confused) what?

Chloe: why are your eyes glowing blue?

The android didn't know what she was talking about until he saw his reflection. His eyes returned back to their normal color, but it still left Connor confused. The group then gathered together to prepare their next move.

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