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The scene opens up at an abandon apartment complex. Connor is sitting down in a chair while being lost in thought. He then stands up and walks over to a piano and plays a enigmatic song:

When he stops playing, he walks out on a beam and looks down to sees some androids doing different things. Jerry was walking around, testing out his repairs and looks like he's good to go back into the field.

A group of mutated looking androids were getting acquainted with the others. (They arrived to Jericho sometime after Zlatko)

And then he saw Jack playing with Echo and Ripple. After what happened last night, it was good to see that the Irish child android was having fun and not in danger. Jack took a liking to the two Tracies and they seem much happier than when they first arrived.

Seeing his people alive and well brings a smile to Connor. It's always nice to have little moments like this where there isn't chaos, people aren't suffering, and just that feeling of being free and alive. But, this won't last forever. Connor's thoughts are interrupted when he hears footsteps behind him.

Chloe: the others didn't know where you went off to. Why'd you come up here?

Connor: I needed to think.

Chloe: I like coming up here too. It helps me think and get away from the world. More of us are seeking help from Jericho. Something's changing.

Connor: you're right. (Turns around and sits in chair) And it's not just regular androids. I'm still trying to figure out how a Polar Bear android woke up.

Chloe: (notices Connor's expression) is something bothering you, Connor?

Connor: all these androids following me... They listen to me, they obey me without hesitation... And that much power feels good. But... Scary at the same time.

Chloe: you're giving them hope. But the humans still punish them. Wether it's because they don't obey or just for the fun of it. Humans never change.

Connor didn't believe that. Hank did have a problem with androids at first, but over time, that changed. And, if he could, why couldn't others?

Connor: no, not all humans are the same. Some of them know they can't stop us from being free forever.

Chloe: (wanting to know more about Connor) you haven't said much since you came here. What was your life like before Jericho?

The RK800 stands up from his chair and walks over to the ledge. He normally wouldn't want to tell people about his past, but he trusts Chloe.

Connor: I was caring for a retired police lieutenant. He was like a father to me. He showed me that humans and androids can live together. (Turning to face Chloe) what about you? I know I asked you before, but...what was your function before coming here?

Chloe: I don't want to talk about it.

Connor: (remembers the video) the video of that android you were looking at in the store, she reminded you of who you were didn't she?


Connor: I understand. We all have something we want to forget... But you need to know where you come from to know who you are.

Chloe: (finally decides) I was nothing. The first android to pass the Turning Test, and one of the few remaining RT600s. I was owned by Elijah Kamski himself, where everyday I was suppose to be a perky little assistant. (Tears began to form in her eyes) one day, a man broke into the house and he took me. Then he started to (stops to collect herself) I couldn't handle it... I strangled him and I ran away. (Takes a stuttered breath and her eyes) there, now you know. I shouldn't have said anything.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now