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The scene opens up to a house with a sign out front that says Rose's Farm. Markus made his way up to the front door while North and Simon remain back a little bit. Markus rings the door bell, but no one answers. So, the androids try looking around back. There, he finds a young man who appears to be chopping wood.

Markus: hello? (Man stops and looks at Markus) I'm looking for Rose. Is she here?

???: why do you want to see her?

Markus: I need to talk to her.

???: she doesn't wanna talk. Go away. (Begins to chop wood)

Markus: please, I really need to talk to her.

At that moment, a black woman walked out of a garden house to see what all the commotion was about.

Rose: I'm Rose. What can I do for you?

Markus: I was told you could help us.

Rose: help you?

Seeing as he had no other choice, Markus deactivates his synthetic skin on his hand and shows that he's an android. Rose then notices North carrying Simon. She thinks for a moment and decides her answer

Rose: come in. It's better if we talk inside.

Rose then walks to the house. The man lingers behind, obviously not likening the idea that androids will be inside  the house. North sets Simon down and the androids follow inside.

North: do you think we can trust them?

Markus: we don't have a choice.

They made it inside where Rose is waiting for them near the dinning table.

Rose: (looks down to Simon) what's your name?

Simon: Simon.

Rose then places her hand on the boy's forehead

Rose: (concern) he's running a fever.

Markus: we spent the last few nights outside. He's exhausted.

Rose: there's a spare room upstairs. You can put him to bed and I'll bring him something to eat and some medicine. (Turns to the man) Adam, will you show them upstairs?

Adam then leads the family upstairs. He opens a door leading to the guest room. Once there, Markus helps Simon take off his winter gear and tucks him into bed. The child then tried to reassure Markus that he's ok.

Simon: I'm fine, Markus. We can't stop because of me. We've got to get across the border.

Markus: you need rest. Get a good night's sleep and we'll be set off again tomorrow.

North: but where do we go? (Markus turns to her) Even if we make it there, where do we go?

Now that she mentioned it, Markus did wonder what they could do. There aren't any android laws in Canada, and the only way they would be alright is if they keep hiding. But, that can only last for so long. He was pulled from his thoughts by Simon.

Simon: my grandpa lives there. (Markus and North look at him) he comes to Detroit for holidays. He can help us.

Markus was a bit hesitant about this, but it's there best option when they cross.

Markus: alright. After you get some rest, I'll ask Ms. Chapman if we can use her phone to give him a call.

Simon: (beat change) why do humans hate you? You didn't do anything wrong.

Markus: (misunderstanding) maybe it's a misunderstanding. Maybe they just need time to understand what we really are.

Simon: why can't you just talk to each other? They'd see we're not bad.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now