Chapter 11: TIME TO DECIDE

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The scene picks up at Jericho. Connor is surrounded by deviants, but they don't attack him. A large android with black skin and a gray shirt and pants steps forward.

Connor: who are you?

???: there's no need to be afraid. We're fugitives...just like you. My name is Luther.

(Android with red hair, tan skin, blue eyes, blue shirt and jeans): I'm Jerry...

(Android with blonde hair in a ponytail on her left shoulder and in a blue dress): Chloe

Connor: this is Jericho?

Jerry: it's a refuge for those who don't want to be slaves anymore.

Connor: but hiding just to stay alive, that's freedom to you?

Luther: humans hate us. Hiding is the only way we can survive.

Chloe: humans don't accept us.

Connor: how many of you are there?

Chloe: nineteen still in working order. The rest were destroyed escaping there masters.

Luther: humans have little pity for our kind...I understand how you feel. But, you have more freedom here that you ever did.

Connor wasn't sure about that. Sure, he doesn't like not being accepted, but Hank always treated him like a person. To put it simple; Connor is disappointed at what he finds. That android gave him this specific location, but he was hoping it would be a place that could help him in his quest. But, how can they do that if they're barely staying alive and too afraid to leave the ship?

Connor: I came to Jericho looking for hope...looks like I'm not gonna find any here.

Jerry: you're lost, just like the rest of us.

Luther: you're welcomed here. You can stay with us as long as you want.

Chloe: go and see Lucy. She might be able to help you (gestures to a wound on Connor's right hip).

Before he does that, Connor decides to explore a little about the place. So far, he started a few fires and found crates that appear to be from CyberLife warehouses. The android begins to calculate a direct route there, have this feeling that it will come in handy. As he walks, he sees an android leaning against the wall. His clothes were torn and his synthetic skin was damaged.

Android #1: (notices Connor) I'm not looking good, am I? (Connor shakes his head no) my diagnostic programming is working...I doubt it would have anything good to say anyways.

Connor: what happened to you?

Android #1: they tied me to the back of a car...I think they wanted to have fun. I-I don't want to shut down...No, I don't want to shut down.

Connor later finds another android with a similar appearance.

Android #2: I heard that humans are afraid of dying...(looks up at Connor) do you know what happens after death?

Connor: I don't.

Android #2: well I'm about to find out...what's your name?

Connor: Connor. What's your name?

She doesn't answer, but instead offers a hand. The synthetic skin deactivates and the two androids sync.

Android #2: (gives a small smile) I was glade to have met you, Connor.

The android shuts down, leaving Connor sad. He pulls his hand away and makes his way over to Luther. He's kneeling down in front of what looks like one of those male YK500 models (child androids).

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