Chapter 19: PUBLIC ENEMY

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The scene shows Kara opening her eyes and once again in the Zen Garden. This time, though, everything has a more Autumn feel as the leaves changed color and the sky is in a sunset shade. The android goes to the rock again and places her palm on it. This time though, without her knowing it, her eyes flash green for a brief moment. After that, Kara walks to the center of the garden where she find Amanda holding an umbrella and sitting in a boat.

Amanda: (sees Kara) Hello, Kara. I thought you might enjoy a little cruise.

Kara complies and enters the boat. She then grabs the handles of the paddles and begins to row the boat.

Amanda: (looks around the garden) I love this place... Everything is so calm and peaceful... Far from the noise of the world. (Turns to Kara) Tell me, what have you discovered?

Kara: My relationship with Lieutenant Williams is shaky. She seems to struggle with personal issues. I suspect it clouds her judgment regarding deviants.

Amanda: nothing matters more than your investigation. What's happening is too important. Don't let Williams or anyone else get in your way. (Beat) you seem... lost, Kara. Lost and perturbed.

Kara: (sincere) I thought I knew what I had to do... but now I realize it's not that simple...

Amanda: you had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club.

(Memory flashes back to Ripple and Echo as Kara lowered her gun and they escaped)

Amanda: why didn't you shoot?

Kara: (looking down) I don't know... (Looks back up) I don't know.

Amanda: if your investigation doesn't make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Kara.

Kara doesn't show it, but now she's conflicted. After her conversation with Alice last night, she doesn't want to abandon her. And, if she's replaced, would the new model have her memories, or would CyberLife take some away?


Kara: (confidence) I know I will succeed. All I need is time.

Amanda: (begins to look up at the sky) something's happening. Something serious. (Looks back at Kara) Hurry, Kara. Time is running out.

The RK400 doesn't show it either, but now she's scared. She knew Amanda wasn't just talking about deviancy, but also that if Kara doesn't get any solid leads soon, she's going to be deactivated. She reaches in her pocket and begins to flip her coin...


...And catches it while riding the elevator. She and Alice (who wore the same outfit from last night but changed shirts so now she's wearing a dark blue shirt) were heading up to the 79th floor of the tower. Alice than notices Kara is spinning her coin with her middle finger and than jumps it to her index finger. The coin than rolls down her arm and Kara tosses it to her left hand. She notices Alice looking at her and decides to pocket the coin.

Kara: (thinks she upsets Alice) sorry, Lieutenant.

Alice: are you kidding, that was cool! I've never seen anybody do tricks like that!

Kara: (smiles) thank you.

The elevator arrives to the floor and the pair exit. They're greeted by many officers doing their best to find any clues that could help them with the deviants.

Alice: (sees Officer Miller) everybody's covering this?

Chris: Yeah, it was all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in. Even the FBI wants a piece of the action.

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