Chapter 25: CROSSROADS

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The scene starts off in with Markus, North, Simon, and Rose driving down the road on their way downtown. Rose is in the driver's seat with Markus in the passenger and North and Simon in the back. As they drove, they noticed a few soldiers were killing deviants.

Rose: they've been rounding up deviants ever since that march happened.

After the march, the country began rounding up androids (deviant or not) and took them to camps to be decommissioned. In some cases, they would just shoot them on sight without any regrets. There hasn't been any information on the rest of the world, but the chances were becoming increasingly high. The car pulled into a parking lot and the group exited the vehicle.

Rose: just down the road is a large ship called Jericho. Inside, there's an android named Connor. He might be able to help you get across the boarder. But, you have to hurry. The last bus leaves at midnight. You have to make it before it's too late.

Markus: (nods) thank you. I don't know how we can repay you for everything.

Rose: (small smile) you don't owe me anything. I've given you my brother's address. If things don't work out with Carl Manfred, he's willing to keep you hidden until things calm down.

Markus: thank you

Rose: (walks over and hugs Simon) you've been very brave, Simon. (Hug breaks and she turns too North) Look after these two, North.

North: don't worry, I'll keep them safe.

With final goodbyes, Roses went back to her car and headed back to her house. Markus picks Simon up and the makeshift family heads to Jericho.


At the Ferndale Station, Kara exits the train and starts to look at the first symbol. She finds and scans it, downloading the next one. Kara then began to move out to find the next clue.


The group enters the ship and find it packed with dozens of androids. There's many watching the news, some in repair stations, a few on computers, and it looked like a weapons cache with bombs included. The group walk over to a fire pit to get Simon warm.

Markus: how are you feeling, buddy?

Simon: I'm fine.

Markus: (places hand on Simon's forehead) your fever's gone down, so that's good. Stay here with North, I'm gonna go talk to this Connor and see if he can help us.

North: the last bus leaves in two hours. We don't have much time.

Markus: don't worry. Once we get the passports, we'll be on our way.

North looked like she was about to say something else but decided to wait until Markus came back.


Kara enters Jericho and finds dozens of deviants, including the ones she let escape. She also noticed explosives and stolen weapons.


The android was about to walk up stairs when she's stopped by Lucy.

Lucy: you're lost... You're looking for something... You're looking for yourself.

The android leaves and Kara is left wonder what she meant by looking for herself?


Markus finally found Connor sitting in an office, lost in his thoughts. The android had changed clothes again. Now, he's in a black coat with blue outlines, a black shirt, dark gray pants, black boots, light gray forearm sleeves, and a blue scarf that if he wanted to, he could pull up to cover the lower half of his face.

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