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The scene shows Connor walking up to a house outside of Detroit. After the events at Jericho, Connor became conflicted with what he should do. He decided to talk to the one man who might be able to give him guidance; Hank Anderson. He walks over and finds a familiar fake rock, opens it, and uses the key inside to open the door.

Inside, Connor was greeted by a welcoming bark from a big Saint Bernard. The dog walks over to Connor and begins licking his hand. Connor smiles and crouches down to the dog and pets his head.

Connor: hey, Sumo. I missed you to, buddy. I'm glad you're ok. Sorry I haven't been here lately.

???: who are you? How did you get in here?

Connor looks up and sees an AP700. Most likely he came he after the break in to help the dog and his owner recover.

Connor: (stands up) I need to speak with Hank.

AP700: Mr. Anderson isn't seeing anyone. You need to leave.

Connor: (walks over and converts him) please... I need to see him.

AP700: he's still recovering. I'm not sure if he'll talk much. (Steps aside for Connor to enter the room)

Connor nods thanks and enters the room. He finds Hank laying in his bed with a  knee brace.

Connor: (walking up to Hank's side) Hank?...

Hank: (wakes up, grabs Connor's hand and smiles) Connor. What took you so long, kid?

Connor: (small chuckle) sorry I'm late... you don't know how much I missed you...

Hank: (concern expression) what's wrong, Connor?

Connor: I'm completely lost, Hank... the whole world's falling apart around me. I tried to do the right thing, but now all I have left are bad options. And, no matter what I decide, there will be blood.

Hank: world's ruled by fear, Connor. Fear of others... Fear of the future... It's like me... too old. It's time for it to end.

Connor: (stands up and walks a little ways from the bed) but what should I do? Hank, they're killing my people. (Turns to face Hank) I... I don't want to answer violence with violence. I don't want to spill innocent blood, but tell me, what choice do they give?

Hank: being alive's about making choices... between love and hate, between... holding out your hand or closing it as a fist. I don't have any easy answers, Connor... You have to accept the world as it is... or fight to change it.

Those really weren't easy answers for him. But, Connor knew that if he wanted his people free, he had to fight to change it. That didn't necessarily mean he had to bring war, however. Before Connor took his leave, he decide to ask Hank something he wanted to for a long time.

Connor: Hank... why didn't you like me at first? I know things got better but, did I do something wrong? (Hank shakes his head no) then... what was wrong?

Hank: I was a dick back then because... (looks Connor in the eye) you reminded me of Cole.

That took Connor in complete shock. He did see Hank as a father, but he definitely didn't expected to remind Hank of his late son, Cole Anderson.

(When he was six years old, Cole and Hank were caught in car accident that resulted in sever injury. Cole needed emergency surgery, but no human could do it, so he was entrusted to an android. Unfortunately, the boy didn't make it.)

Hank: when I first met you years ago, I honestly thought I was going crazy. If Cole was still here, he'd probably look like you. I thought is was Kamski playing some sick fucking joke. But... as I watched you over these years... I learned that there's more to you than being an android. You're my son Connor. Our blood isn't the same color, but I know a part of me is in you. Some men have the courage to fight the darkness... You're one of those men. Face the abyss... but don't let it consume you.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now