Chapter 8: ON THE RUN

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The scene opens up at the abandoned house Simon and Markus were staying at with Ralph. Markus wakes up gently to not disturb Simon. He sees his optical unit is still damaged. He figured if he's going to find the address that android gave him, he needs to fix that. Markus goes upstairs to see what else there is in the house. He finds a room with scattered furniture, and amazingly enough, a dead android on the ground. Markus scanned the head, and found the blue iris optical unit is compatible with him. Markus removes his broken eye, rips the compatible one, and inserts it in his head. After blinking a bit, his sight is back in proper order.

Now, next order of business; new clothes to blend in. Markus finds a closet filled with coats, pants and shirts. He removes his android wardrobe and puts on a red shirt, turquoise jacket, black pants, gray shoes with light green stripes.

The android then looked at the mirror and decide to take a huge step. Using a pair of scissors, he rips out his LED. His synthetic skin heals itself around that spot, and Markus places the scissors down. Red and blue lights were suddenly flashed outside the house.

Police cars were surrounding the district, trying to locate where the deviant could've gone.

Alice: got anything yet?

Ben: nothing yet. All we can get was the android was here. The cameras near here picked up that it had a damaged eye, most likely from Manfred-

Kara: it's hiding.

Alice and Ben looked at the android in confusion.

Alice: you found something?

Kara: (turning to face her) the android would need a place to hide so that cameras wouldn't pick it up. But it would require some repairs it had to blend in.

Alice: alright. So, if you needed repairs and a place to hide, where would you go?

Kara: (turns to the house) somewhere where no one could find me.

He then notices that a blonde haired android and a human were walking to the house. Markus needed to get Simon out of here before the police find them. He walks downstairs, only to find Simon sitting in a chair at a dinner table, looking terrified. Markus turns to where Simon is looking, only to find Ralph holding a dead animal.

Ralph: Ralph found this to feed the little boy... It's good for him... A present... To make up for past misunderstandings...Ralph'll cook... We will do just like humans do. Humans like burnt meat... Come! Come and sit down!

Markus could see that Ralph was very anxious. And after last night, it would be best not to upset the android.

Markus: Okay. We'll sit, like a family.

Ralph: (all giddy) that's better. Ralph went to a lot of trouble to find something for the little boy to eat. It wouldn't be polite for him to refuse, would it? Great. It'll be great!

Ralph then takes the animal and starts burning it in the fire pit.

Ralph: Succulent you'll see. Succulent. Succulent. Father, uncle, little boy.

Simon: (whispers) please, Markus. I don't want to eat that!

Ralph: what did he say?

Markus: (not wanting to anger Ralph) he said he's really hungry.

Ralph: good. The little boy will love this.

Ralph then takes the burnt animal and p,aces it in front of Simon. He then sits down and smiles

Ralph: go ahead. Eat. (Simon doesn't move or speak. It causes Ralph to have an outburst) EAT! (slams hands on the table, causing Simon to flinch slightly.) eat.

Markus: Ralph, calm down. We're going to stand up now. And we're going to leave.

Ralph: no... you're not leaving, not until Ralph says so.

Markus: you said that you wanted to be like a family. Ralph... uncle,father, and the little boy, remember?... An uncle would never threaten his nephew with a knife to make him eat...

Ralph then calms down and puts the knife down.

Ralph: Ralph went to a lot of trouble... That's why... he just wanted the little boy to eat... But Ralph is not bad, no. Not bad...

Markus: then let us go.

???: anybody home?

Kara walks to the front of the house and opened the door. She finds Ralph standing near the table, but no signs of the deviant or the child. She scans the android, and finds the damaged eye, scratch marks on his face, and the LED in his right temple is blinking yellow


Kara: I'm looking for an AX200. Have you seen it?

Ralph: Ralph's seen nobody...

Kara: don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. I'll ask you again, is there anyone else here?

Ralph: no. Ralph lives alone...

Kara then walking to the back. As she walks, she notices the android's stress increases. She starts to walk back a little, and the stress goes down. And when she made it to the stairs, she noticed the stress levels are nearly 100%. Kara kneels down to check the closet, only to have Ralph jump on her back and pull her away.


Markus and Simon run out of the house, and Kara finally gets Ralph off her back.

Alice: (enters the house) Kara, what's going on?

Kara: (starts running) it's here! Call it in!

The two leave the house and Kara starts to chase the deviant. It makes its way towards the station, only to make a sharp turn to the highway. Kara just meets it at the fence. When the two looked at each other, that same feeling Kara had earlier came back again. Markus felt it too. Had they met somewhere before? All thoughts were interrupted when two officers point their guns at them.

Kara: (raises a hand) don't shoot, we need it alive.

Markus took this as an opportunity to get away. He and Simon then start to cross the highway. Kara was about to jump the fence, but a hand grabbed her shoulder and forced her down.

Alice: what are you doing?

Kara: they're getting away.

Alice: don't be stupid. Besides, they won't get far.

Kara: I can't take that chance!

Alice: Kara, don't go after them! That's an order!

Kara wanted to go, but something told her don't do it. She lets go and just watches the two make it across.


It wasn't easy, but Markus and Simon escaped the highway and made it to the train station. It took off, having only two passengers on board.

Markus: (kneels down to Simon's level) are you ok?

Simon nodded, and gave Markus a tight hug. Markus reciprocated the hug, but one thing still puzzled him; who was that android, and why was she so familiar to him?

Author's note: Markus and Simon escaped the police. But, will Kara find out why she felt that strange connection? Keep reading to find out.
Next chapter will be short, but, Connor finds Jericho.

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