Chapter 9: JERICHO

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The scene begins on the Ferdel Station. The train stops and opens its doors. Among those people was Connor. He's now wearing slightly better black shirt and pants, but is sporting on the trench coat he found last night. He lifts his hand as it projected an image of the first symbol. He finds it, scans it, and gets the next clue.

As he's walking, a TV is giving a news article about the DPD having Kara working on the case. When Connor saw a picture of Kara, he had this strange feeling, like he met her before. But, that's impossible, he's a prototype and was given to Hank Anderson long before this new android showed up.


Connor won't lie when he says that he misses Hank. Right now, he's probably in the hospital or at home, thinking the android's dead. And what of Sumo? Connor hoped that both dog and human got medical attention in time. But, if Connor succeeds in his mission, can he go back to them?

He shakes it off, and continues walking. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, a human passes by him.

???: (Walks in-front of Connor) oh, sorry man.

Connor now confirms that his clothes and lack of LED can prove to be a very effective method to blend into society.

He finds the next symbol, scans it, and receives the next clue. Connor eventually finds his way in an abandoned part of town. Using his pre-construct program, he calculates the best route on where to go. This goes on for a while until he finds himself in an abandoned building. There's dead androids on the ground and multiple bricks scattered everywhere. He scans the last symbol, and finds the entrance in the wall. On the other side, lies a ship yard where a large freighter is docked. It's mostly blue, but is coated in rust from not being used over the years. With the word 'Jericho' painted on the side, Connor had finally reach his destination.

Now, only one thing left to do; find a way inside. After doing a quick scan, Connor found the bridge to be unstable, so his best option would be to swim to the ship. The android climbs up to the top of a nearby crane, walks to the edge, and jumps down to the water.

Connor climbs up the latter out of the water. His trench coat's gone, but he didn't care about that now. He made it up and found a flashlight and after shaking it a-bit, he makes his way though the ship. Most of the doors were locked, but Connor came this far so he wasn't giving up now. Just as he turned a corner down a hallway, something or someone came running across. Connor didn't get a good enough look, but he did get a glimpse at a blue LED in the right side of its head. That was enough to tell Connor that he's not alone.

Connor still keeps looking, until he finally found a door that was unlocked. It opens up to a huge room that was mostly the cargo hold. But there still was no signs of anyone else here. Connor keeps walking, until all the sudden, the platform below him starts collapsing. He begins to run for it, but couldn't get away enough.

He falls down, landing back first on a metal beam, and landing on the ground. Luckily, it wasn't anything life threatening, so the android picks himself up, grabs the flash light, and stands up-

Only to find himself surrounded by androids. Some appeared to be damaged, while others had their LEDs missing from their right temple sides. Three in front of Connor wore human clothing. One of them, a tan skinned android with red hair, steps forth to greet their new comer

???: Welcome to Jericho.

Author's note: sorry that this chapter is short. This scene was tough to write out because there wasn't a lot of talking in the original game. Next one will be Kara and Alice finding Rupert (with a little twist)

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