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The scene begins with Kara opening her eyes to find herself in some kind of mind palace. It's known as the Zen Garden. At the center of it, lies a tall white pillar of some kind that has three bridges around it. A small lake surrounding the center, grass and blossom trees coat the environment.

Kara passes by a strange, blue rock. She doesn't know why, but she feels drawn to it. The android places her hand on it, automatically deactivating her skin and connected to it. It was brief, but it causes her LED to blink red for a moment. When she removed her hand, the LED returns to blue, and Kara decides to go to the center of the garden. There, she finds a black woman, wearing a white silk robe and her hair tied in braids, tending to a rose garden.

She was CyberLife's main AI, Amanda

Kara: hello, Amanda.

Amanda: (turns to Kara) hello, Kara. It's good to see you. (Turns back to her garden) congratulations. Finding that deviant was far from easy. And the way you interrogated it was very clever. You've been remarkably efficient, Kara. We asked the DPD to transfer it to CyberLife. It may teach us something. The case seemed... challenging. What did you make of it?

Kara: it showed signs of PTSD, as if it's original programming has been completely replaced with new instructions. Most likely from being abused by its owner.

Amanda: this, Lieutenant Williams, has been officially assigned to the deviant case. What do you make of her?

Kara: I think she's kind, harkworking, and a good detective. She also seems to be uncomfortable in my presence, but doesn't show it. She's an intriguing character.

Amanda: (turns to face her) unfortunately, we have no choice but to work with her. What do you think is the best approach?

Kara: I will try to establish a friendly relationship. If I can gain her trust, it will be better for the investigation.

Kara doesn't know why her answer displeases Amanda, but she doesn't question it.

Amanda: (sets her clippers down) More and more androids show signs of deviancy. There are millions in circulation. If they become unstable, the consequences will be disastrous. (Walks to Kara) You're the most advanced prototype CyberLife has ever created. If anyone can figure out what's happening, it's you.

Kara: you can count on me, Amanda.

Amanda: oh. I almost forgot, there is one warning for you; in the event you're destroyed, we'll upload your memories into a new model. However, every time you're uploaded, some data will be lost and unable to recover. So, be careful.

Kara: I understand, Amanda. (Turns to leave the garden)


Kara enters the building to meet with Lieutenant Williams. She walks up to the front desk and is greeted by an android assistant.

Android: may I help you?

Kara: I'm here to see Lieutenant Williams.

Android: do you have authorization?

Kara: yes. (Connects with android to give comfermation)

Android: Lieutenant Williams hasn't arrived yet, but you can wait at her desk if you'd like.

Kara nods thanks, and enters past the security doors. After some searching, she finds Lt. Williams' desk.

Kara: (turning to Officer Miller) excuse me, do you know when Lieutenant Williams arrives?

Chris: she's usually not this late. I'm sure she'll be here soon.

Kara: thanks

With some time to spare, Kara scans Alice's desk. She finds traces of dog hairs belonging to a Black Lab on the chair, a Japanese maple, a book on 'Alice in Wonderland', a photo of what looks like a graduation ceremony with other officers, and a few articles describing her as the second youngest Lieutenant in Detroit (after Hank Anderson). She also found an iPod with wireless headphones. Kara presses play, and music starts playing. She scans it, and identifies it as 'Hero' by Skillet.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now