Chapter 6: FROM THE DEAD

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The scene opens up to an android, lying on the ground as rain is pouring. He appears to be dead, but amazingly, he reboots all his systems, and awakens. The android is Connor. He finds himself in what appears to be a junkyard, and suddenly remembers what happened.

Sumo and Hank

The wall

Breaking Joseph

The police arriving

Him getting shot

Connor attempts to scan the area, but finds his scanning software is corrupted. After he does a quick diagnostic, he finds that his audio processor is missing, one of his optical units was destroyed, his clothes were torn to shreds, his Thirium pump regulator was on low power mode and damaged, and his legs were missing.

Connor begins to crawl forward to find replacements. He maybe in a junkyard, but that didn't mean everything there was completely destroyed. Sure enough, he finds a compatible right leg. He sits up, removes the broken joint from his knee, and inserts the replacement. After moving it a-bit, Connor then crawls to search for the left leg. He found one, but it was incompatible. Tossing it aside, he still looks for a compatible unit. As Connor rolls an android aside, it says something. But due to being half depth, he doesn't understand what it said. Luckily, he found a left leg compatible. Connor inserts it, and after moving it to get a feel of it, stands up.

Connor wasn't out of the woods yet. He still needed repairs, and escape the junkyard. Connor starts to walk forward, when all the sudden, and android in the garbage reaches out and grabs him.

??? There's a place where we can be free. Find Jericho. Find Jericho...

All the sudden, Connor is shown images of a station of some kind, then a specific symbol. But before Connor even begins to ask what did any of it meant, the android just shut down.

With this info, Connor enters through a gap to where dozens of android hands were lounged in-between. When Connor took on step in, all the hands starting moving, like he was in a horror movie. He makes it out, only to be grabbed by another android. It asks "where are you going?" but Connor broke free and crawled away. He got up, and found a bunch of androids either lying on the ground, or moving around without body parts.

Connor starts scanning for compatible components. But so far, there were a bunch of incompatible units. He feels something grab his leg. Looking down, there was an android staring at him.

???: I'm begging you... please, end it. End it.

Connor almost did it, but didn't want to kill him. Ignoring the android's pleas, Connor manages to find a compatible brown optical unit. As soon as he grabs the head, a pile of androids collapses on him. Connor pulls himself back up, first removes the broken eye, rips the compatible unit out of the head, and inserts in in his own head. After blinking a few times, Connor's scanning systems return to normal, and now can use them to find the rest of the compatible components.

He finds a functioning Thirium pump regulator, but all the sudden, the android it's connected to jolts up.

???: wait, wait. Please... I wanna live... (Connor stops and pulls back) thank you...

Luckily, Connor found another pump that worked properly. First, he removes it from the dead android. Second, and he had to work fast, he removed his broken regulator and tossed it aside. (The Thirium pump regulator is one of the most vital bio-components an android requires to survive. Without it, they shut down within 63 seconds.) Connor inserted the new regulator inside, stabilization get his condition. With his heart returning to its blue hue, the android could walk normal, and not too far, a compatible audio processor was in good condition.

Ironically, the dead android held it in his hand, like he knew someone needed it and was prepared to offer it. Connor took the piece and inserted in his head. The ringing stoped. Some static happened, then due to being half depth for hours, everything suddenly became extremely loud for a few moments. Then as quickly as it happened, everything began to calm down.

Connor's synthetic skin returned to normal, including his hair, and he only had one objective left; escape the junkyard. When he made it out, Connor had a revaluation; he can't go back home. Hank and Sumo think he's dead, and he broke orders and attacked a human. But, strangely... he didn't regret it.

That's when the android realized; humans abusing androids and using them as slaves isn't the fair life. It shouldn't be the world they live in. Connor wants to make that world a reality. But... he can't do it alone.

Before he goes, he grabs a piece of shrapnel, and rips his LED out. The skin heals around the spot. Connor looks up to the sky and decides his next move.

Connor: (whisper) My name is Connor...

Connor decides to follow the lead that android gave him and find this 'Jericho'. And after grabbing a coat on the poll, he walks into the night and to the nearest train station.

Author's note: sorry if this chapter seems short. There wasn't a lot to write about, because a majority of the original chapter was in silence. Next chapter should be longer though.

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