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The scene begins at the CyberLife assembly plant in Detroit. A taxi wars pulling up to the gate and a guard stepped to the taxi to inspect the passenger. The window rolls down and inside is Kara dressed in her android uniform.

Guard: ID, please?

Kara: (faces the guard) Kara model 687 899 150. (Faces forward) I'm expected.

Guard: (mechanical voice says Identification Successful) ok, go ahead.

The window closes and the taxi continued driving and finally reaches the front gate. The android steps out of the vehicle and is greeted by three agents.

Agent: follow us. we'll escort you.

Kara: thanks, but I know where to go.

Agent: maybe, but I have my orders.

Kara's Thoughts: shit. This isn't good, but I have to keep this up. If I can just get to the elevator and deal with them there, I'll have a better chance at getting to the warehouse.

Kara follows the agents into the building. Inside, lies androids on display stands, a giant crystal like statue, plant life at the bottom floor, and other agents patrolling the area. Two of the agents lead Kara into an elevator and begin to head up.

Agent: (presses keypad) agent 54. Level 31.

The elevator starts to head up. On the way, Kara notices a security camera. She hacks the camera to make sure they get no more feed from it, and thenbegins to preconstruct the best way to succeed against the two guards. She fought them until she grabbed one of their guns and shoots both of them in the head. Kara pockets the gun and places her hand on the keypad.

Elevator: please indicate your identity and destination.

Kara: (agent 54 voice) Agent 54. Level -49.

Elevator: voice recognition validated. Access authorized.

The elevator then begins to head down and Kara was glade that nothing else should go south (or so she thought)


Downtown near the checkpoint, Markus, Simon and North we're making their way down the street.

Markus: the last bus leaves in 20 minutes. That doesn't give us much time, we gotta move fast.

When Connor began to lead his people to one more demonstration, Markus took North and Simon to hurry to the last bus. They offered Josh to come with them, but he said that he'll meet them there. As they're walking, they notice soldiers were checking people for androids.

Simon: there's soldiers everywhere. Now what?

Markus: we have to sneak past them to catch the bus. (Kneels down to Simon) stay close and move quietly.

Simon nods and the group began to move silently behind cars when the humans weren't looking. As they moved, Markus noticed a radio dish on one of the buildings. He hacked it and began to upload something into it. Once it was complete, the dish will then send the signal out to other radio disks until it reaches the satellite dishes. But, to help increase it, Markus will need to find more. But, now the family is far enough from the soldiers and find themselves in two different paths.

Markus: there's the check point.

North: we should take the detour. It'll help us keep a low profile.

Markus: the bus leaves soon, the detour could take us longer.

North: Yeah, but it might be safer.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now