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The scene begins on a cold winter's night. A taxi is driving down the road while it's snowing. The storm wasn't enough to be a blizzard, but still blew enough snow to make the roads more dangerous than they should be. Inside the taxi was Markus, Simon, and North in different outfits.

Markus was sporting a tan winter trench coat with black outlines, black jeans, a gray long sleeve shirt that mixes with black towards the upper half of the chest, and boots

North had changed her hair to a braid that rested on her left shoulder and removed her LED. She's now wearing a black jacket with white outlines, a black shirt, crimson fingerless gloves, black pants and boots.

Simon changed to a blue flannel that's long sleeved, a dark gray vest winter coat, black sweat pants, brown boots and black gloves.

Markus still didn't know much of their destination so he decided to make small talk.

Markus: this place we're heading to... what is it?

North: the address says it belongs to a 'Rose Chapman'. According to some androids Zlatko had, someone over there can help us get across the boarder.

Markus: but, what if it's another trick? Something to lure androids like us to our death?

North: I'm not sure. But what I do know is that they believed it. Right up until they died... (Turns to look at him) Either way, this is our best option. We can't ignore it.

Markus nodded his head in agreement and decided to change the subject.

Markus: (looks out the window) I've never seen snow before... It's beautiful.

North: (soft smile and looks outside too) yeah... I've heard that humans enjoy it.

Their conversation was cut short when the vehicle suddenly began making noises and started slowing down. The noise woke Simon up as North and Markus turned their chairs around and the door opened for them to check out what was wrong.

Simon: (spoke in a tired voice) what's going on?

Markus: wait here, Simon. North and I are gonna check to see what's wrong.

The two androids stepped outside and opened the hood of the taxi.

Markus: the engine's overheated... Guess we pushed it past it's limits

North: the address is for another few blocks. But we need to find shelter for the night.

Markus: (going back to the car and helping Simon out. Then he knelt down to the child's level) Stay here with North. I'm gonna look ahead and see if we can find a place for us tonight, ok?

Simon: ok.

Markus then scanned the area and found an abandoned amusement park nearby. While holding a flashlight, he and North (who was carrying Simon) made their way to the 'Pirates' Cove' gate entrance. The park was covered in ice and snow, a majority of the buildings were boarded up and broken down, and the rides were decommissioned.

North: (yelling due to the wind) Looks like no one's been here in years!

Markus: (yelling as well) we need to find shelter! I'm gonna scan the buildings to see if there's at least one decently intact structure!

After checking out a few structures, and coming across what looks like a few malfunctioned androids, they found a good enough building to spend the night in. Markus ripped the boards off the door and then kicked it open. While North grabbed a few things to make a bed for Simon, Markus started a fire and then went to check the bag North had. Inside, he found a bottle of water, some cookies, and a gun. The android then found North leaning against a window, and Simon looking at a poster of what appears to be a group of people. He decide to comfort Simon and see what's on the child's mind.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now