Chapter 1: PARTNERS

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The scene begins on a rainy night. Kara is flipping the same coin she always carries as she's approaching the Detroit Library. She pockets it, walks up the stairs, and enters the building. It's packed full of people, androids and rows of books.

Kara was given orders to investigate a crime scene, and was ordered to be partners with a Lieutenant Alice Williams. With many people and androids, she used the camera system to locate the lieutenant. After some scanning, she found a woman in her early twenties with brown eyes, brown hair in a ponytail, she's wearing a dark brown jacket, a sky blue button up shirt, black dress pants, and a pair of dress shoes. This was Lieutenant Williams.

Kara approaches her.

Kara: lieutenant Williams? My name is Kara. I'm the android sent by CyberLife. I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were. They said you'd probably be reading nearby. I was lucky to find you at the fifth library.

Alice: (not looking up from her book) what can I help you with?

Kara: You were assigned a case early this evening, a homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators.

Alice looks up at her. She didn't show it, but she was surprised at the android. To help cover her shock, she decided to ask a little about Kara.

Alice: I've never seen an android like you. What model are you?

Kara: RK400. I'm the first of androids who are design to work alongside police detectives or other high ranking officers.

Alice: an android detective? Well, nice they made the first one a woman.

Kara smiled at the lieutenant's compliment. But, she still found that Alice still appeared unsure about her.

Kara: I understand that some humans are uncomfortable around the presence of androids, but-

Alice: (reassures quickly) I'm comfortable working with androids! (Calms down) I just, never worked with one like you. (Walks over to the bookshelf, puts the book back in its rightful place. Turns to Kara.) So a homicide?

Later, the pair arrived at a house with patrol cars and people in front of the house. Virtual police tape crossed around the house and a couple of androids were standing behind, making sure people didn't cross to the crime scene. Alice and Kara got out of the car and entered the crime scene. Alice got through fine, but one of the androids stopped Kara.

Android: no androids permitted.

Alice: (turning around) it's with me.

It steps aside and Kara proceeds to join Alice. As she does this, a man comes out of the house to meet with Alice.

Ben: even, Alice. Didn't think you'd show up.

Alice: sorry, Ben. Would've missed it if she hadn't shown up (gestures to Kara)
Ben: got yourself an android, huh?

Alice: more like she found me. (Follows inside the house) So, what do we got?

Ben: Vic's name is Carlos Ortiz. Neighbors said the house was giving off this bad smell. A few weeks of it, they opened the door, and found Ortiz.

They entered to find the victim dead, leaning against the wall next to a chair and the words 'I AM ALIVE' written above him. Next to the chair was a pile of bottles and packs of some kind. The victim himself had cold skin, flies moving around him, and multiple stab wounds. While Ben and Alice were talking, Kara began to observe the crime scene. So far, she found the victim was stabbed 28 times, his mouth contained traces of Red Ice, and the android wasn't found. She found the murder weapon; a kitchen knife with no finger prints. The android then placed two fingers on the blade a d licked the blood, getting a DNA analysis. Alice saw this and was caught of guard.

Alice: what are doing?

Kara: I can check DNA samples in real time. I'm sorry, I should've informed you earlier.

Alice: (disgusted but understands) ok. Just... give me a heads up next time.

She walks away, and Kara continues her work. In the kitchen, she re-created the scene and found the deviant was assaulted by an aluminum baseball bat, so it took a knife and fought back. Kara walks out to the backyard where officers are looking for traces of where the attacker could've disappeared to.

Alice: (joins Kara outside) You think it came out here?

Kara: I don't think so. The deviant would've left shoe prints, and this soil hasn't been touched until now. No one's been out here.

After more reconstruction, Kara figured out what happened, and returned to Alice to give her a report.

Kara: lieutenant, I know what happened.

Alice: alright, I'm all ears. What'd you got?

Kara: it started in the kitchen.

(Scene shows the victim attacking the deviant)

Alice: that lines up with the evidence. What else?

Kara: the victim attacked the deviant with the bat.

(Victim is holding the bat)

Alice: that explains the dent. So, Ortiz attack the android, then what happened?

Kara: the deviant retaliated with the knife.

(Deviant grabs the knife, and stabs the victim. They make there way to the living room, and Ortiz collapses on the ground where they found the corpse)

Alice: explains why there aren't any fingerprints on the knife. So, if you're right that no one's been outside in a while, where did it go?

Kara: it was struck by the bat, and it lost some Thirium.

Alice: (confused) lost some what?

Kara: Thirium. Humans call it blue blood. It's what powers android's biocomponents. It can disappear after a few hours of exposure, and becomes invisible to the naked eye.

Alice: but you can still find the trail?
Kara: correct.

Using special scanning software, Kara found a trail of Thirium leading down a hallway. As she walked, she stopped in front of the bathroom. The android then walked to the shower curtain and removed it. In the shower, she found a clay sculpture on the floor and the words rA9 written multiple times on the wall. Kara exits the bathroom and found the Thirium trail, leading to the attic.

Kara walks back to the kitchen to get a chair and walks back to the hallway. She places the chair underneath the attic door, opens it, and climbs up. The attic is cluttered with furniture and other junk. Moving slowly, Kara catches a glimpse of a red blinking light. Walking closer to it, all of the sudden, the deviant jumps out. It has black skin, a shaved head, an LED in its right temple blinking red, damaged arms and was covered in blood.

HK400: I... I was just defending myself. (Pleading tone) don't tell them.

Kara just stares at the android. They stay silent until Alice's voice breaks the silence.

Alice: Kara, did you find anything?

The android took a moment to think, but she finally gives her answer.

Kara: it's here, lieutenant!

While Alice gets backup, the HK400 doesn't try to escape, and instead just looks at the ground in disappointment and sadness.


Author's note: now the first story is truly beginning. A majority of the plot line will be accurate to the game, but with different changes. Next chapter will go to Markus to begin his journey.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now