Chapter 21: CAPITOL PARK

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The scene begins at Jericho. More androids had shown up and things were looking more alive. Jack was playing on a tablet while Chloe and Luther were listening to the news. They all had chosen different outfits than before.

Luther's was pretty mush the same, only now he was sporting a dark gray trench coat and black fingerless gloves.

Chloe still retailed her blond hair and ponytail, but now had a black sleeveless shirt, a small gray backpack, black jeans and boots, red elbow length fingerless gloves, and her LED removed.

Jack was now in a black t-shirt, a crimson zip up hoodie, navy blue jeans, converse and a green and white striped beanie with a fuzzy ball at the top. It was positioned in a way where the hair hanging from his forehead was showing.

Luther: they know about us. Now it's only a matter of time before they find us.

Chloe: we told them that we want peace. But, we should've also told them that we're not afraid to fight back.

Luther: doing that would only escalate things. If we want freedom, we have to show them we're not violent.

Chloe: (standing up from her chair) I understand that, Luther. But, some humans don't care if we get killed so long as they get their way. We have to defend ourselves.

Luther: dialogue is the only way. I know it. If Jerry had shown that, maybe he wouldn't have been left behind.

Chloe: Jerry was lucky he didn't get killed.

After the police and the feds left, Jerry managed to sneak out of the tower and return to Jericho. He's now currently in a repair station and should be back on his feet by tomorrow.

Luther: if we had just stayed quite, we wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place!

Jack: (looks up from his tablet) that wouldn't solve anything. (Luther and Chloe turn to him) humans would still hurt us. If we want something to happen, we gotta make it happen. Like Billy and Bobby for instance (looks back at the tablet and shows that he's playing Happy Wheels) if I want to them to go to victory, I gotta make them go to the victory. And, if something tries to stop me, I keep going until I make it. (Characters reach the finish line and the victory sound plays)

During his time here, the others have gotten to know Jack a little bit. So far, he's an energetic boy who's proud of his Irish programming, he loves superheroes (especially Spider-Man), he has a habit of giving names (his favorites were Steve, Betty, and Billy), and actually has the ability to access any form of technology by using this little program he named S.A.M. (Septic Artificial Mainframe)

Connor: (enters the room) Jack's right.

Connor had also changed clothes. He's now wearing a blue jacket with white outlines and zip up pockets, dark gray cargo pants, black tennis shoes and had a gray flannel underneath the jacket.

Luther: what are you thinking, Connor?

Connor just smirks and begins explaining his plan for tonight.


The shopping center is covered in snow and the only people in the area are androids doing there jobs. In a back ally across the street, Connor, Chloe, and Jack were opening a man hole cover and begin making there way to the store.

The plan was a bit more extreme than the last one: they divided up into multiple strike teams and were going to break into CyberLife stores and free more androids. Then afterwards, they would show the public that they won't stop until they won their rights.

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