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Timeline: Christmas Eve.

The scene starts off with a female reporter from Channel 16 giving the latest news in Detroit.

Reporter: A month after the events in Detroit, civilians have returned to their homes and life has returned to normal. With a few changes. For the first time since they were created, androids are beginning to live lives that humans would. While some androids spend the holidays with humans, others are celebrating in their own ways. But, either way, this Christmas is the first of many new to come in the future. (Finishes with a smile) I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


At the shopping center downtown (which is snowing), Kara is walking to a photography shop to pick up some last minute gifts. A few days after the events, Kara began helping androids as a way to redeem herself to her kind. One of which, worked in photography and owed her a favor. She enters the shop and finds the android (named Grant) behind the counter.

Grant: (smiles) good evening, Kara.

Kara: (smiles in return) good evening, Grant. How have you been?

Grant: doing well. My boss was polite enough to give me Christmas Day off. I'll be heading to New Jericho for tonight.

New Jericho; the new safe haven for androids. With more androids awaken, the leaders of Jericho made some deals with the President, and while they're still fighting for new rights, she did agree to help begin construction on the broken down buildings on the other side of town. By next year, they'll be refurbished into new homes and work places for androids. The city is still under construction, but they did finish a few buildings so that androids can have a roof over their heads. The project is being run by construction androids and human workers as a way for humans and androids working together.

Kara: that's great. I hope you'll have a good time. (Beat) So, are the photos ready?

Grant: yep. (Heads to the back for a bit and returns with an envelope) it was a little difficult getting these ready, but I hope you'll enjoy them.

Kara: (accepts the envelope and pays) thank you, Grant. Have a Merry Christmas.

Grant: you too.

The RK400 leaves the store and was heading back to the car where Alice is waiting for her. On the way, however, she was stopped by a voice.

???: Kara?

Said android was surprised by the voice. She turns to the direction of the voice and sees a little girl. But, what really surprised her, was that it was Emma. Kara hadn't the child since her first deviant case back in August, and she heard that the Phillips' left town after the incident.

Emma: do you remember me? I was in danger... a few months ago from Daniel... you saved me.

Kara: I remember. I'm sorry about Daniel, but I'm glad you're alright.

Emma: my mom and I left for a while afterwards, but Detroit's my home. (Walks a little closer) I almost died that night, but you saved me. (Wraps her arms around Kara's waist in a hug) thank you! Thank you for helping me, and the rest of the androids.

Kara was a bit surprised, but soon smiles and returns the hug. She then notices Mrs. Phillips is nearby and is calling out to Emma.

Kara: (lets go of the hug) you're very welcome, Emma. Now, you should hurry home with your mother before it gets cold.

The girl nods and runs back to her mother. She turns back around and waves goodbye.

Emma: Merry Christmas, Kara!

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now