Connor's Epilogue: AN ANDROID WEDDING

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Timeline: a year after the main story.

The scene begins with the Channel 16 news station. They had a news woman bringing the public the news for Detroit. Especially since today was a special day.

News Woman: it has been a year since the events of Detroit. Since then, androids are gaining new rights every day; such as the rights to own property, the right to reproduce, and with the latest, the right to have marriage. Other major cities across the world such as London, Japan, Moscow, Paris, Madrid and others in Africa have also gained their rights. The androids are still fighting for other rights, but with their progress so far, it looks like they'll win them.


At a church far from the city, a few S.W.A.T. units were patrolling the area. They were checking guests and keeping an eye on the few journalists that were there.

Soldier: (radios from east side) all signs clears on the East side.

Soldier: (radios from west side) all signs clear on the West side.

Soldier: (radios from South) a few demonstrators tried to cause a little mishap from the South side... all have left with a little more than a warning.

Inside the church was Connor in a dressing room, getting ready for the big event. Instead of his usual black and blue jacket and blue scarf, he's wearing a black suit with a white buttoned up shirt and black dress shoes. He's currently fiddling with a bow tie when the door opens. Hanks steps in and sees what Connor's trying to do, and the man just laughs at the sight.

Hank: (steps to help Connor fix his bow tie) you can lead thousands of androids to freedom, and yet you can't fix a bow tie? Oh, the humanity.

Connor: I don't get it. I've been waiting for this day for months, and I was fine this morning. So, why do I suddenly want this to end as soon as possible?

Hank: (chuckles and finishes fixing the tie) son, everyone gets wedding nerves, even androids. Trust me, when it was my wedding day, I was a nervous wreck. But, as soon as I saw her walking down the aisle... everything was much better. (Places a hand on the android's shoulder) So, once you see her, everything will run through smoothly.

Connor: (smiles) thanks, Dad.

Meanwhile, in the bride's room, a similar scenario was happening but with Chloe. She's now in a white wedding dress with a vail on the back of her hair (which is tied in a bun). She's fiddling with a flower when Alice came in. With her relationship with Kara, Alice got to know the rest of the androids at Jericho. Some androids were unsure of her at first, but after a while, they accepted her as one of their own.

Alice: nervous?

Chloe: it's that obvious? (Alice nods yes) (sigh) I feel embarrassed right now. This is suppose to be the biggest day of my life, and I just want it to end. (Turns to Alice) have you ever been proposed to before?

Alice: (laughs) Na, and even if I was, I would want it to be with the right person. And, do you think Connor is the right person?

Chloe: of course! I can't imagine my life without him.

Alice: then that's all you need. So, just relax a bit and then you'll be ready. I'll go check with Allen and see how security's been.

The woman left the room and Chloe received a text from Luther.

Luther: (text message) Jack and I are here. He's getting changed and you'll see him at the ceremony.

Chloe smiled at the mentioning of the child's name. After the final demonstration, Jack got better. There were still moments he had with Anti, but the two were on better terms. And after things calmed down, Jack got enrolled in school and was making friends. The nice part about it was his friends knew he was an android, but they still accepted him regardless if he was different from them.

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