Chapter 3: BROKEN

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The scene opens up in a car with Hank in the driver's seat, and Connor in the passenger's seat. The two were on their way home from the Detroit Gears game and it was currently raining.

Hank: that game sure was a bust. I sometimes wonder 'what the hell is even going on here?'

Connor: well, it gives you a chance to meet your friends and even make new ones.

Hank: Yeah, most people there don't give a dam about the game. (Changing the subject) when we get home, I'm gonna get something to drink.

Connor: Black Lamb Whisky?

Hank: Yep.

Connor: ok, but you know you shouldn't be drinking. Imagine what your doctor would say?

Hank: Yeah, well he can kiss my ass. I'm a grown man, I can choose my medication.

The car arrives to the house, but as it pulls into the driveway, Hank notices something's off.

Hank: (looking at the house) hey Con, did you leave the lights on?

Connor: no. No, I'm certain I didn't.

Hank: call the police.

Connor's LED blinks yellow. After giving them the address and explaining the emergency, they send a patrol car. Hank and Connor then decided to go inside the house and investigate on who broke in. Inside, they find Sumo lying on the floor, wounded, and someone standing in front of Hank's collection of Jazz music. They instantly recognized who it is.

Hank: Joesph?! (Kneels down to check on Sumo) What are you doing?

Joseph: you refused to help me, so I'm helping myself. It's crazy what people would pay for this shit.

Hank: don't touch them! And what did you do to Sumo?

Joseph: (turns around and faces them) relax, I just pushed the mut aside. Besides, you're gonna give these to someone, sooner or later. Just think of it as me getting my share.

Hank: Connor, get him away from there. Get him out of here!

Connor: (walks towards Joe) Joseph, this will get you nowhere. Leave now before things get worse.

Joseph: (pulls out a gun) all you ever do is push your friend away Hank. What's the matter, huh? Not good for ya? Not perfect enough, like this fucking thing?

Hank: (gets up from Sumo and walks over and tries to grab the arm holding the gun) that's enough! Get the fuck out of here, right now!

Joseph then retailed by shooting Hank in the leg. Hank knelt down to his wound, and Connor had a look of shock and fear, causing his LED to turn red.

Connor: Hank!

Joseph: dammit. (Looks at Connor) look what you made me do, you plastic prick!

Hank: Connor, don't defend yourself.


Joseph: Go ahead, hit me! What are you waiting for?


Joseph: (pushes Connor) Think you're a man? Act like one!


Joseph: (taunts and shoves the android) What's the matter? Too much of a pussy?

Hank: (grasping his leg and hissing through pain) stop it.

Joseph: Too scared to fight back, you fucking bitch? (Smacks Connor)



Everything suddenly stops, and a giant wall shows up with the words 'DON'T DEFEND YOURSELF' on it. After seeing Sumo and Hank hurt, it fulls Connor with rage. The android concentrates that rage, and uses as much force as he can get into a punch in the wall. It cracks, but doesn't break. So he hits it again, and again, and again. With both arms, he slams the wall and it completely crumbles. Reality resumes, and Connor stats feeling 'ALIVE'

Joseph: Oh right, that's right! I forgot, you're not a real person... You're just a fucking piece of plastic. (Grabs Connor)

Hank: leave him alone!

Joseph: Listen to me. I'm gonna destroy you, and then it'll just be me and my friend. I'm gonna tear you apart and nobody's gonna give a shit. You wanna know why? Cause you're nothing. You hear me? You're nothing!

Connor all the sudden grabs Joseph's arm, knocks the gun away, breaks his arm, and kicks him straight in the stomach. Joseph falls on the ground and holds his arm in pain. Connor doesn't pay attention to him, and quickly goes to Hank.

Connor: Hank, are you ok? (Doesn't wait for response. Grabs his jacket and wraps it around the wound.)

Hank: Connor...what happened? You broke his arm...

Connor: I don't know. I just saw you and Sumo hurt, and I couldn't just stand there doing nothing.

Hank: son, you still attacked a human. They'll destroy you. You gotta save yourself. Get out of here before it's too late.

Connor: (heartbroken expression) Go? But Hank, I don't want to leave you. Please, your all I have.

Police sirens are heard. Two officers enter the house, and before Hank could say anything, Joseph decides to get rid of Connor.

Joseph: it was the android. He did it, kill him!

Hank: Connor, run!

Officer: (points gun at Connor) don't fucking move!

Connor is frozen with fear and before he even gets a chance to speak, the gun fires, and darkness greets him.

Author's note: Connor's path now begins. Hank and Sumo will come back, but not until close to the end. But, I do plan to make references of them in a majority of Connor's chapters.

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