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The scene shows Kara holding an umbrella and in her mind palace. It's currently raining, but Kara doesn't mind. She needs to make a report to Amanda, but first, the android finds the same blue rock as before, and places her hand on it. Afterwards, she meets Amanda on one of the bridges.

Amanda: Kara. Would you join me for a walk? (Kara accepts the offer and opens the umbrella. The two began walking) That deviant seemed challenging, a pity you didn't manage to catch it.

Kara: deviants are completely irrational. Which makes them difficult to predict their behavior. But, I should've been more effective.

Amanda: what have you learned?

Kara: we found its diary, but it was encrypted. It may take weeks to decipher it.

Amanda: what else?

Kara: the walls in the apartment were covered in drawings of maze like symbols. Like the previous deviants, it seemed obsessed with rA9.

Amanda: you came very close to catching that deviant. How is your relationship with the lieutenant developing?

Kara: she was grateful that I save her life on the roof. But I can still tell that she still feels a little uncomfortable around me.

Amanda: we don't have much time. Deviancy continues to spread. We need to stop it before the media gets a hold of this, whatever it takes.

Kara: I will solve this investigation, Amanda. I won't disappoint you.

The android stops walking halfway on a bridge. Amanda walks ahead of her and turns to face her.

Amanda: a new case just popped up. Find Williams and investigate it.

The A.I. leaves Kara and Kara exits the mind palace.


A taxi cab is driving through a neighborhood and pulls up to a small house. It wasn't expensive, but it was one of the more well kept houses the city would have for miles. The doors open up, and Kara steps out.


Kara walks up to the door and knocks.

Kara: (knocks) Lieutenant Williams? (no one answers so she rings the door bell) anybody home?

Silence being the only answer begins to worry Kara. She begins to walk around a bit to find an opening. The android finds its way to the backyard and finds a window a little open. Using her strength, she pops the screen off and opens the window wide enough to climb in. Once inside, Kara was greeted by a growl, and finds a black lab with a blue collar on. This was Ace.

Kara: (clearly nervous) um...easy, Ace. I'm your friend. See? I know your name...I'm here to save your owner.

The dog gave a few sniffs, and seems satisfied with the android (for now). Kara then began to search for Alice. Going to one of the bedrooms, she finds Alice asleep in her bed. Kara notices something odd, though. She does a scan on Alice, and finds multiple scar marks on her back. The way they were on...they seemed to have been on there for years. Kara begins to wonder;


Kara wanted to make sure the Lieutenant was alright, so she tried to wake her up.

Kara: lieutenant?

Alice: (sleeping)

Kara: (places hand on her shoulder and gives a light shake) wake up, Lieutenant.

Alice: (still sleeping)

Kara begins to wonder what she should do next...when she notices the iPod and headphones from earlier. And idea comes cross her mind and brings a smirk to the android's face. She grabbed the headphones and carefully lifted Alice's head and places the headphones on. Kara then grabbed the iPod and started to search through the song list. She find one called 'Whispers in the Dark' by Skillet. The android then turned the volume up higher than before and presses play. At first the music didn't work, but when the electric guitar starts playing, Alice then jolted right out of her bed and screams. She looks around the room and finds Kara standing near her bed, giggling.

Alice: (pulls headphones off) dammit, Kara!

Kara: (stops giggling, but still has a small smile on her face) I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I tried to wake you up but you didn't respond. I didn't think you would be a heavy sleeper.

Alice: what are your doing here? And how did you even get in here?

Kara: a homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. I couldn't find you at the library, so I came to see if you were at home. Your phone wasn't answering and no one answered the door. I became worried for you, and I decided to enter your house through a window. Sorry about the screen by the way, CyberLife will pay for it.

Alice seems satisfied with the answer and sits up with her legs hanging off the bed.

Alice: jeez, I have to be the only police woman in the world, who gets pranked in her own house by her own android. (Looks up at Kara) didn't you want to check it out yourself?

Kara: unfortunately I cannot. I've been programmed to solve this case, and I can't do it without you.

Alice: (sigh) well, at least you're polite. So, what's the homicide about?

Kara: a man was found dead in a sex club downtown. The report says that an android may be involved.

Alice: ok. Give me some time to change clothes and we'll be on our way.

Kara: sure.

The android then leaves the room and decides to explore the house a little. She found Alice's music collection. She seemed to be a fan of albums such as Skillet, Three Days Grace, Gorillaz, Breaking Benjamin, Evanescence, and a few others. Kara also decided to pet Ace. At first, the dog wasn't sure, but after seeing that the android wasn't a threat, she relaxed. Kara then noticed a portrait of a younger Alice with what appears to be her family. After scanning it, it causes her LED to start blinking yellow

Alice Williams (daughter): Lt. at DPD.

Todd Williams (father): 20 years to life in prison for child abuse and illegal usage of Red Ice.

Rebecca Williams (mother): Died in car crash in 2024.


Kara placed the picture down, and found another one. It showed Alice in what looks like a High School graduation ceremony. She's with this woman Kara identified as Rose Chapman. The android didn't know much of the relationship, so she decided to ask.

Kara: what's your relationship with Rose Chapman?

Alice: (from her bedroom) family friend. She's pretty much like a second mother to me. And one of the best women I ever knew. You should meet her someday.

Kara: sounds nice. I look forward to it.

After Kara put the picture down, Alice walks down to the living room in different clothing than earlier. She's now wearing a dark green winter coat, a black button up shirt, jeans and black shoes. Kara smiled at seeing the lieutenant. Ace came by and Alice knelt down and pet the black lab.

Alice: (while scratching Ace's head) be a good girl and guard the house, Ace. I'll be back soon.

Alice then stood up and the pair went off to the club to investigate the homicide.

Author's note: we now get a sneak peak at Alice's past. I didn't want her to be too much like Hank, so I changed on how Kara would arrive to the house. And about the photo, that bit of information will be very important in the future. If you want to imagine what Ace is like, think Ace from Batman Beyond but as female instead.
Next chapter: Connor goes on a mission, and finds more than what he expected.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now